The Blue Angel
  • 1. Who directed the movie 'The Blue Angel'?
A) Ingmar Bergman
B) Alfred Hitchcock
C) Fritz Lang
D) Josef von Sternberg
  • 2. When was 'The Blue Angel' released?
A) 1940
B) 1950
C) 1930
D) 1920
  • 3. Which actor played the role of Professor Immanuel Rath in 'The Blue Angel'?
A) Emil Jannings
B) Curt Bois
C) Kurt Gerron
D) Marlene Dietrich
  • 4. Where does 'The Blue Angel' primarily take place?
A) New York
B) Paris
C) Berlin
D) London
  • 5. Which language is 'The Blue Angel' primarily spoken in?
A) Spanish
B) German
C) French
D) English
  • 6. Who plays the character of Lola Lola in 'The Blue Angel'?
A) Anna May Wong
B) Marlene Dietrich
C) Greta Garbo
D) Ingrid Bergman
  • 7. Who is the co-writer of 'The Blue Angel' alongside Karl Vollmöller?
A) Franz Kafka
B) Hermann Hesse
C) Heinrich Mann
D) Thomas Mann
  • 8. What is the title of the book that 'The Blue Angel' was adapted from?
A) Professor Unrat
B) Cabaret Nights
C) Berlin Blues
D) Blue Angel
  • 9. Who composed the iconic song 'Falling in Love Again' for 'The Blue Angel'?
A) Cole Porter
B) Richard Rodgers
C) Friedrich Hollaender
D) Irving Berlin
  • 10. Which country is the setting for 'The Blue Angel'?
A) France
B) United States
C) Germany
D) Italy
  • 11. What is the genre of 'The Blue Angel'?
A) Comedy
B) Thriller
C) Drama
D) Horror
  • 12. Which film studio produced 'The Blue Angel'?
A) Universal Pictures
B) Warner Bros.
C) Paramount Pictures
  • 13. What is the last name of the character Lola in 'The Blue Angel'?
A) Müller
B) Schmidt
C) Wagner
D) Lola Lola
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