Ocean Health
  • 1. Ocean health refers to the overall condition and well-being of marine ecosystems and the organisms that inhabit them. It encompasses various factors such as water quality, biodiversity, habitat integrity, and the overall resilience of ocean ecosystems to environmental stressors. Monitoring and maintaining ocean health is essential for the sustainability of marine life, coastal communities, and the overall health of the planet. Human activities such as pollution, overfishing, habitat destruction, and climate change can have detrimental effects on ocean health, highlighting the need for conservation efforts and sustainable management practices to protect and restore marine ecosystems for future generations.

    What is the leading cause of ocean pollution?
A) Oil spills
B) Agricultural runoff
C) Plastic waste
D) Industrial runoff
  • 2. Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas contributing to climate change?
A) Oxygen
B) Methane
C) Nitrous oxide
D) Carbon dioxide
  • 3. What is the process by which nutrients build up in a body of water, leading to excessive plant growth and oxygen depletion?
A) Hydrolysis
B) Desalination
C) Desalinization
D) Eutrophication
  • 4. What is the term for the swirling mass of debris in the North Pacific Ocean?
A) Great Pacific Garbage Patch
B) Pacific Trash Vortex
C) Marine Gyre
D) Oceanic Vortex
  • 5. What is the primary habitat for almost 25% of all marine species?
A) Mangrove forests
B) Deep sea vents
C) Open ocean
D) Coral reefs
  • 6. Which of the following marine animals is a keystone species in its ecosystem?
A) Jellyfish
B) Sea otter
C) Blue whale
D) Hammerhead shark
  • 7. What is the primary cause of sea level rise?
A) Melting ice caps and glaciers
B) Increased rainfall
C) Wave erosion
D) Underwater volcanoes
  • 8. What is the zone where sunlight penetrates and photosynthesis occurs in the ocean called?
A) Epipelagic zone
B) Abyssal zone
C) Hadopelagic zone
D) Photic zone
  • 9. What is the process of organisms like corals expelling algae due to stress called?
A) Fertilization
B) Photosynthesis
C) Bleaching
D) Decomposition
  • 10. Which ocean is the largest and deepest in the world?
A) Arctic Ocean
B) Pacific Ocean
C) Indian Ocean
D) Atlantic Ocean
  • 11. Which agreement aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global temperature rise?
A) Paris Agreement
B) Kyoto Protocol
C) Montreal Protocol
D) Copenhagen Accord
  • 12. What is the law that governs pollution in the U.S. waters?
A) Marine Mammal Protection Act
B) Ocean Dumping Act
C) Clean Water Act
D) Endangered Species Act
  • 13. What is the process of removing salt from seawater to make it suitable for drinking called?
A) Salinization
B) Eutrophication
C) Desalination
D) Thermohaline circulation
  • 14. Which human activity contributes to ocean acidification?
A) Conserving water
B) Planting trees
C) Recycling plastic
D) Burning fossil fuels
  • 15. What is the term for the gradual increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere?
A) Global warming
B) Heat wave
C) Ice age
D) Cold front
  • 16. What is the term for the plastics that break down into small particles in the ocean?
A) Biodegradables
B) Microplastics
C) Macroplastics
D) Rubber
  • 17. What ecosystem service do mangroves provide?
A) Oil drilling
B) Coastal protection
C) Mining
D) Nutrient pollution
  • 18. How do greenhouse gases contribute to global warming?
A) Cool the environment
B) Trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere
C) Prevent storms
D) Regulate temperature
  • 19. What is the purpose of the Marine Debris Program?
A) Increase pollution levels
B) Promote plastic waste disposal
C) Encourage littering
D) Reduce the impacts of marine debris on the environment
  • 20. What is the term for the scientific study of the oceans and marine life?
A) Botany
B) Geology
C) Oceanography
D) Meteorology
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