  • 1. is a key to progress.
A) Statical data
B) Research
C) Analysis
  • 2. both sociologists and criminologist, worked to explain various forms of criminality and deviance.
A) Dependent researcher
B) Developer
C) Independent researcher
  • 3. Research is basis why people improved in their way of living
A) False
B) True
  • 4. Research as a "careful, critical, disciplined inquiry, varying in technique and method according to the nature and conditions of the problem identified, directed toward the clarification or resolution (or both) of a problem.
A) False
B) True
  • 5. Research has been defined as "the process of gathering data or information to solve a particular problem in a scientific manner (Manuel and Medel p.5)Panel defines research as "systematic study or investigation of something for the purpose of answering questions posed by the researcher.
A) True
B) False
  • 6. in its broadest sense is an attempt to gain solutions to problems. More precisely, it is the collection of data in a rigorous controlled situation for the purpose of prediction or explanation.
A) Thesis
B) Research
C) Case study
  • 7. about known phenomena. (Alcohol is a known phenomenon and research may turn it into a kind of fuel equal in quality to gasoline
A) To discover new facts
B) To find answer to problem
C) To order related
  • 8. Research is simply a systematic and refined technique of thinking employing specialized tools, instruments and procedures in order to obtain a more adequate solution of a problem
A) True
B) False
  • 9. It follows an orderly and sequential procedure that leads to the discovery of truth, solution of a problem, or whatever is aimed to be discovered.
A) Controlled
B) Empirical
C) Systematic
  • 10. All variables except those that are tested or being experimented upon are kept constant (not allowed to change or vary) so that the changes made on the subjects of the study can be attributed only to the experimental variable. This is especially true in an experimental research.
A) Controlled
B) Analysis
C) Systematic
  • 11. All the procedures employed and the data gathered are perceived in the same manner by all observers. For instance, one says that there are five persons in the room, all agree to the existence of the five persons
A) Empirical
B) Analytical
C) Controlled
  • 12. There is a critical analysis of all the data used so that there is no error in their interpretation.
A) Analytical
B) Objective
C) Experimental
  • 13. unbiased, and logical. All findings and conclusions are logical based on empirical data and no effort is made to alter the results of the research.
A) Objective
B) Refine
C) Systematic
  • 14. This is o guide the investigation process. In experimental studies, hypotheses are expressly stated but in descriptive studies, the specific sub problems or specific questions serve as the hypotheses and the hypotheses are tested and not proved.
A) Experience
B) Employed hypothesis
C) Analysis
  • 15. Data are transformed into numerical measures and are treated statistically to determine their significance or usefulness.
A) Work
B) Research employs quantitative or statistical methods
C) Original
D) Done by an expert
  • 16. Except in historical research, data are gathered from primary sources or first-hand sources and not from secondary sources (usually printed materials such as books, or theses, etc.)
A) Original work
B) Analysis
C) Controlled
  • 17. This will give you time to forget what you have written. It happens that when you are too close to your material you tend to overlook a lot of things. Clarity is one of them.
A) True
B) False
  • 18. 1. A term paper is intended for completion in a certain period of time such as in a year, a semester, or a quarter. It is a product of adequate planning, note taking, analysis, synthesis, and interpretation. It is the synthesis of your discoveries about the topic and the evaluation of these discoveries.

    2. A term paper is not just a summary of a book or book. It is not a thesis or a dissertation.

    3. A term paper starts with a problem in the same way that a thesis or a dissertation does. There are questions to be answered and data to be collected which are needed to answer these questions.
A) True
B) False
  • 19. Since this study was concerned with the attitudes and work values towards teaching of the respondents, the researchers believed that the descriptive method of research was the most appropriate to use.
A) Research design
B) Rrl
C) Critical essay
  • 20. if a paper is written on sentencing disparities and the factors that influence such disparities, then the relevant literature pertaining to his topic will be reviewed. This means that students must hunt down articles and newspapers written about sentencing disparities and find out what others have written about it. Reviews of Literature are very important, since they can disclose convergences of the opinion and/or differences of opinions about the incidence of sentencing disparities and which factor seems most influential in triggering disparities.
A) Research paper
B) Critical essay
  • 21. is essentially the same as a term paper that contains an assessment or evaluation of some issue.
A) Critical essay
B) research design
  • 22. A research paper differs from term papers and position paper or critical essays in that some collection is involved.
A) Research design
C) Research paper
  • 23. is criminal justice or criminology is a comprehensive study, an elaborate research project, a creative enterprise, and a significant undertaking designed to investigate a researchable problem in any substantive area (e.g. criminal justice.
A) Research paper
B) Research design
C) Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations
  • 24. Criminologist is a research
A) True
B) False
  • 25. moves from the particular fact or item to the general.
A) Inductive
B) Deductive
  • 26. moves from the general law or observation to the particular fact.
A) Inductive
B) Deductive
  • 27. as in height, weight, temperature, distance, speed, age, income, days of illness, number of children; it may rank on a scale such as preference or attitude; it could be IQ or GPA, it may be composite, such as SES (socio economic -scale) standing, or a measurement on an alienation scale.
A) Qualitative
B) Quantitative
  • 28. showing such attributes as sex, religion, race, marital status, voting preference, or propensity to commit a crime.
A) Qualitative
B) Quantitative
  • 29. Relationship is a connection or association between two or more variables.
A) False
B) True
  • 30. A no casual relationship is a correlation
A) True
B) False
  • 31. a statement of a relationship to be tested; a proposition based upon observed phenomena or prior fact to be used for research; an assumption, or estimate, or guess, that is to be tested; a testable proposition.
A) Statistical treatment
B) Hypothesis
  • 32. numbers or measurements used to describe limits and size, such as population, samples, and parameters.
A) Descriptive statistics
B) Inferential statistics
  • 33. numbers used to infer something about the parent population from the sample.
A) Descriptive statistics
B) Inferential statistics
  • 34. are usually used for data that are of the interval or ratio levels of measurement.
A) Non parametric test
B) Parametric test
  • 35. sometimes called distribution free statistics since their uses do not always depend on some specific type of score distribution like the normal curve.
A) Parametric test
B) Non parametric test
  • 36. Ordinal data are rank-ordered data with respect to a trait or achievement or performance.
A) False
B) True
  • 37. The instruments used for data gathering were a set of questionnaires for the teachers and another set for the pupils.
A) False
B) True
  • 38. the three (3) principal divisions of Criminology?

    a. the sociology of law

    b. criminal etiology

    c. penology (including methods of social control)
A) True
B) False
  • 39. According to Donald Taft and Ralph England, the term criminology is used in both a general and a special sense.
A) False
B) True
  • 40. Comparative Criminology, gives a much lengthier definition. Criminology means the study of crime
A) Hermann mannheim
B) Donald taft
  • 41. In the sense that it is used in the study of the causes of crimes with the aid of anthropology, psychology, sociology and other natural Hent sciences.
A) It is a social science
B) It is a dynamic
C) It is an Applied Science
  • 42. In the sense that crime is a social creation therefore its existence in a given society attests to its being a social phenomenon. Consequently, it must be considered part of the social science.
A) It is a nationalistic
B) It is a dynamic
C) It is a social science
  • 43. In the sense that criminology changes in accordance with changing social conditions. It is concomitant with the advancement of other sciences that have been applied to it.
A) It is a nationalistic
B) It is a Dynamic Field
C) It is a social science
  • 44. In the sense that the study of crimes must be in relation with the existing criminal law within a given
A) It is a social science
B) It is an Applied Science
C) It is a nationalistic
  • 45. - any particular trait or characteristics that can assume a range of values. The range of values may be quantitative, as in height, weight, temperature, distance, speed, age, income, days of illness, number of children, it may rank on a scale such as preference or attitude; it could be IQ or GPA; it may be composite, such as SES (socio economic-scale) standing, or a measurement on an alienation scale.
A) Variables
B) Elements
C) Relationship
  • 46. a connection or association between two or more variables. The variables are incident and re in a particular position to each other.
A) Variables
B) Hypothesis
C) Relationship
  • 47. a statement of a relationship to be tested; a proposition based upon observed phenomena or prior fact to be used for research; an assumption, or estimate, or guess, that is to be tested; a testable proposition.
A) Hypothesis
B) Relationship
C) Variables
  • 48. These materials are usually printed and found in books, encyclopedia, almanacs, articles published in professional journals, magazines, periodicals, newspapers and other publications
A) Literature
B) Studies
  • 49. These materials are usually printed in theses, dissertations, term-papers and other studies conducted which were published or unpublished.
A) Studies
B) Literature
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