  • 1. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Coten
B) Cottan
C) Kotten
D) Cotton
E) Cotten
  • 2. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Mayb
B) Maybeee
C) Mybe
D) Maybei
E) Maybe
  • 3. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Vetran
B) Veteran
C) Veteren
D) Vetern
E) Veterinn
  • 4. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Komplet
B) Komplete
C) Complet
D) Compleat
E) Complete
  • 5. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Rahter
B) Rather
C) Ruther
D) Rater
E) Raather
  • 6. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Crouwd
B) Crowwd
C) Crowd
D) Croad
E) Krowd
  • 7. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Cince
B) Sense
C) Sinci
D) Sence
E) Since
  • 8. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Frash
B) Fesh
C) Phresh
D) Frish
E) Fresh
  • 9. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Peac
B) Piese
C) Piece
D) Pease
E) Peece
  • 10. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Forestrain
B) Raynforust
C) Rainfourest
D) Rainforest
E) Rain4ust
  • 11. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Colon
B) Kolin
C) Kolon
D) Colin
E) Koala
  • 12. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Haven
B) Heven
C) Haeven
D) Heaven
E) Heathen
  • 13. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Catin
B) Jsatin
C) Saitin
D) Satin
E) Sautin
  • 14. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) Peguin
B) Pequin
C) Penguin
D) Pengen
E) Pinguin
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