  • 1. 1.) Criminal law must give a specific definition that would constitute the offense. What characteristic of criminal law suggests this statement?
A) criminal law must be prospective
B) Wala
C) criminal law is specific and definite
D) criminal law must be general in application
E) criminal law is uniform in application
  • 2. 2.) These are person who earn their living through criminal activity.
A) habitual criminals
B) professional criminal
C) all of these
D) professional criminal
E) Wala
  • 3. 3.) Determined as a person responsible le for the commission of an offense by the respectable court of the country.
A) criminal
B) Non of these
C) inmates
D) none of these
E) offender
  • 4. 4.)This definition states that a person is considered a criminal once he committed any anti social act.
A) legal sense
B) common sense
C) criminological sense
D) five senses
E) None of these
  • 5. 5.) Criminals classified on the basis on behavioral system characterized by having limited skills to perform criminal activity that sometimes causes to immediate apprehension.
A) professional criminal
B) None
C) chronic criminal
D) habitual criminal d
E) ordinary criminal
  • 6. 6.) They are those criminal whos not actually a criminal but in trouble with authorities.
A) professional criminal
B) all of these
C) None
D) Chronic
E) situational criminal
  • 7. 7.)Criminals who commit crime because of inducement are categorized at what type of criminal on the basis of mental attitude?
A) accidental
B) passive inadequate
C) situational
D) None
E) socialized
  • 8. 8.)In legal sense, who among these people is criminal?
A) person detained in jail
B) person convicted in New Bilibid Prison
C) person accused of rape
D) . person fined because of jaywalking
E) None
  • 9. 9.) Criminals who commit crimes because of the unexpected circumstances.
A) None
B) normal criminals
C) situational criminal
D) accidental criminals
E) ulukan
  • 10. 10.) Criminal is any person who has been found to have committed a wrongful act in the course of the standard judicial processes.
A) in criminological sense
B) None
C) habitual criminals
D) in psychological sense
E) in legal sense
  • 11. 11.) Cyril Burt defined this person as the offender with deficiency in his primitive emotion of love and an excess of the instinct of hate.
A) Callous type
B) Criminals
C) Immature type
D) Mature type
E) Sadist type
  • 12. 12.) Who among the personalities in the study of criminology claimed that crime is an expression of the mental content of an individual?
A) Bromberg
B) Aichorn
C) Healy
D) Abrahamsen
E) Cyril burt
  • 13. 13.) What approach deals on the study of groups, social processes and institution as influences to behavior of criminal?
A) Contemporary approach
B) Objectives approach
C) Socio-cultural approach
D) Subjective approach
E) None
  • 14. 14.)Who coined the formula, criminal behavior equals criminalistics tendencies plus crime inducing situation, divided by the person mental or emotional resistance to temptation?
A) Aichorn
B) Moron
C) Bromberg
D) Cyril burt
E) Abrahamsen
  • 15. 15.)A mental deficiency which makes a person incapable of managing themselves and their mentality is that of a child 2 to 7 years of age.
A) Epileptics
B) Moron
C) Imbeciles
D) Feeble mindedness
E) Idiots
  • 16. 16.) All but one is the temperaments associated to its different types of body physique by William Sheldon?
A) Romotonic
B) Somatotonic
C) Cerebrotonic
D) Visceratonic
E) Somatotonic
  • 17. 17.) A person who stated that criminality is a result of emotional immaturity.
A) Aichorn
B) Abrahamsen
C) Cyril burt
D) Bromberg
E) Healy
  • 18. 18.)The compulsive desire to sets fire is called _____________.
A) Dipsomania
B) Pyremania
C) Kleptomania
D) Homicidal compulsion
E) None
  • 19. 19.)What month of year considered as the peak season in terms of recorded crimes committed against person.
A) April
B) July
C) June
D) December
E) May
  • 20. 20.)Stated the cause of delinquency is the faulty development of the child during the first few years of his life.
A) Healy
B) Cyril burt
C) Bromberg
D) Aichorn
E) Abrahamsen
  • 21. 21.)Which theory of crime causation suggested that a man is essentially a moral creature with absolute free will to choose between good and evil?
A) Classical theory
B) None
C) Conflict theory
D) Pleasure and plain theory
E) Positivist theory
  • 22. 22.)The year season of highly recorded crimes against person is
A) May
B) Rainy season
C) Summer
D) Northpole
E) Winter
  • 23. 23.)The compulsive desire to drink alcohol.
A) Kleptomania
B) None
C) Homicidal complusion
D) Pyromania
E) Dipsomania
  • 24. 24.)Mild or incomplete loss of consciousness and contraction of muscles.
A) None
B) Jackonism type
C) Petil mal
D) Seizure
E) Epeliptic
  • 25. 25.) The uncontrollable desire to do something.
A) Epeliptic
B) Mental disorder
C) Schizophrenia
D) Compulsive neurosis
E) Neurosis
  • 26. 26.)It is the study of crimes and criminals in response to public demand and their struggle to prevent or repress the commission of such crime.
A) Crim
B) Criminology
C) Criminal demography
D) Criminal sociology
E) Criminal ecology
  • 27. 27.)More crime of violence are recorded in ___________________ that hilly rugged terrain.
A) All of these
B) In any of these
C) Fertile level lands
D) Level lands
E) Fertile lands
  • 28. 28.) Localized contraction of muscles with or without loss of consciousness.
A) Petit mal
B) Grand mal
C) Seizure
D) Jackonism type
E) Epeliptic
  • 29. 29.)The following are factors affecting the development and existence of crimes and criminality EXCEPT:
A) None of these
B) Psychological factors
C) Anthropological factors
D) Biological factors
E) Geographical factor
  • 30. 30.) It is characteristics by infantile level of response, lack of conscience, deficient feeling of affection to others and aggression to environment and other people.
A) Phsychopatic personality
B) None of this
C) Schizophrenic personality
D) Wala nga dito
E) Compulsive neurosis
  • 31. 31.) Which among the explanation of criminal behavior explained by Healy?
    a. criminal behavior is a result of early pregnancy
A) Criminals behavior is a result of faulty development of the child in the last year
B) Goodluck
C) All of these
D) Criminal behavior is a result of faulty of development of the child in the last few year s
E) Criminal behavior is a result of frustration Of men
  • 32. 32.) According to dexter,it affects the emotional state of an individual that leads to fighting and number of arrest
A) Goodluck
B) Humidity
C) Soil information
D) Wind velocity
E) Temperature
  • 33. 33.) person whose mentaly may be compared to that 2 years old child
A) Ego
B) Epeliptics
C) Feeble-mindedness
D) Idiot
E) Goodluck
  • 34. 34.) Mental disturbance which sometimes called as dementia praecox
A) Neurosis
B) Mental disorder
C) Epeliptic
D) Goodluck😘
E) Schizophrenia
  • 35. 35.) Anna's temperament is cerebrotonic according to sheldon,this only means that annas's body builds is
A) Mesomorphic
B) Esthenic type
C) Pyknic type
D) Ectomorphic
E) Endomorphic
  • 36. 36.) Criminal behavior =Criminal tendency+crime inducing situations,divided by persons memtal and emotional resistance to temptation
A) Goodluck
B) Goodluck
C) Goodluck
D) Goodluck
E) Abrahamsen
  • 37. 37.) Conscience of man
A) Super ego
B) 🤍
C) 🤍
D) 🤍
E) 🤍
  • 38. 36.) Person with mental capability
A) 🤍
B) Idiots
C) 🤍
D) 🤍
E) 🤍
  • 39. 37.) Wayward youth
A) Aichorn
B) 🤍
C) 🤍
D) 🤍
E) 🤍
  • 40. 38.) The reality principle
A) 🤍
B) 🤍
C) Ego
D) 🤍
E) 🤍
  • 41. 39.) Person with metal capability compared to 2-7 ywars old
A) 🤍
B) Imbeciles
C) 🤍
D) 🤍
E) 🤍
  • 42. 40.)Romotonic Ans.mesomorphic
  • 43. 41.)Ectomorphic Ans.Cerebrotonic
  • 44. 42.)The pleasure principle Ans. id
  • 45. 43.) The strong and muscular Ans.Atlethic type
  • 46. 44.) viscerotonic Ans.Individual dilinquency
  • 47. 45.) Endomorphic Ans.Visceratonic
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