  • 1. Who is the captain of the starship USS Enterprise in the original 'Star Trek' series?
A) Spock
B) John Harriman
C) James T. Kirk
D) Jean-Luc Picard
  • 2. What is Kirk's rank in Starfleet?
A) Commander
B) Admiral
C) Lieutenant
D) Captain
  • 3. What is the name of Kirk's chief medical officer and close friend aboard the USS Enterprise?
A) Spock
B) Deanna Troi
C) Leonard McCoy
D) Jean-Luc Picard
  • 4. What is the name of Kirk's first officer and friend aboard the USS Enterprise?
A) Jean-Luc Picard
B) Montgomery Scott
C) William Riker
D) Spock
  • 5. Finish Kirk's famous phrase: 'To boldly go where no man _______.'
A) has gone before
B) has ever been
C) shall dare
D) will venture
  • 6. Which actor portrayed Captain Kirk in the original 'Star Trek' series and movies?
A) Patrick Stewart
B) Chris Pine
C) William Shatner
D) Leonard Nimoy
  • 7. What is Kirk's hometown on Earth, as revealed in the 'Star Trek' series?
A) Riverside, Iowa
B) Houston, Texas
C) New York City, New York
D) San Francisco, California
  • 8. What is the name of the woman Kirk falls in love with in the episode 'City on the Edge of Forever'?
A) Christine Chapel
B) Jadzia Dax
C) Edith Keeler
D) Nyota Uhura
  • 9. In the 2009 'Star Trek' film, who plays the younger version of Captain Kirk?
A) Anton Yelchin
B) Karl Urban
C) Chris Pine
D) Zachary Quinto
  • 10. In 'Star Trek III: The Search for Spock,' Kirk and his crew steal the USS Enterprise to return Spock's body to which planet?
A) Rura Penthe
B) Andoria
C) Vulcan
D) Genesis
  • 11. What is the name of Kirk's son, who is killed by Klingons in 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan'?
A) Peter
B) David
C) Jonathan
D) Michael
  • 12. Which entity kidnaps Kirk and his crew in the episode 'The Squire of Gothos'?
A) Trelane
B) Armus
C) The Borg
D) Q
  • 13. Which famous villain does Kirk outwit in the episode 'Space Seed,' leading to his return in 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan'?
A) Q
B) Gul Damar
C) Khan Noonien Singh
D) Dukat
  • 14. In the episode 'The Trouble with Tribbles,' which drink does Kirk famously not like?
A) Romulan Ale
B) Synthehol
C) Klingon Bloodwine
D) Saurian Brandy
  • 15. What is James T. Kirk's middle name?
A) Tiberius
B) Thomas
C) Timothy
D) Theodore
  • 16. Which starship was Kirk the captain of?
A) USS Discovery
B) USS Voyager
C) USS Enterprise
D) USS Defiant
  • 17. Who directed the 2009 Star Trek movie in which Kirk was portrayed by Chris Pine?
A) James Cameron
B) Michael Bay
C) J.J. Abrams
D) Steven Spielberg
  • 18. What is the name of Kirk's love interest and communications officer on the USS Enterprise?
A) Christine
B) Uhura
C) Carol
D) Beverly
  • 19. What is the name of the alien species that Kirk often encounters and battles?
A) Borg
B) Romulans
C) Vulcans
D) Klingons
  • 20. What is the name of Spock's father who serves as Ambassador to Earth?
A) Sokar
B) Sarek
C) Sokath
D) Tuvok
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