- 1. He can change himself to fit any environment, he is ....
A) Affectionate B) Ambitious C) Adaptable D) Alert
- 2. You're eager to try new things and take risks, you are
A) Coward B) Adveturous C) Pusillanimous D) Chicken hearted
- 3. He wants to get success. He is
A) Arrogant B) Amiable C) Ambitious D) Affectionate
- 4. He is a friendly and pleasant person. In other words he is
A) Arrogant B) Ambitious C) Amiable D) Adveturous
- 5. You feel other people's pain and struggles as though they were your own. You are
A) Coward B) Courageous C) Compassionate D) Chicken hearted
- 6. He always thinks of other people comfort. He is
A) Comely B) Connoisseur C) Courageous D) Considerate
- 7. He is polite and he has good manners. He is
A) Covetous B) Compassionate C) Courageous D) Courteous
- 8. He works hard, he is .....
A) Dependent B) Diligent C) Considerate D) Docile
- 9. He thinks other sorrow and problems as his own problem.He is
A) Courageous B) Enigmatic C) Empathetic D) Enthusiastic
- 10. He always helps other more than is expected. He is
A) Miser B) Frugal C) Generous D) Stingy
- 11. He is fond of the company of others. He is
A) Gregarious B) Generous C) Adaptable D) Greedy
- 12. A judge must be unbiased toward one competitor over another. It means he must be
A) Impolite B) Impartial C) Impatient D) Imbecile
- 13. A scientist must be ....
A) inventive B) imbecile C) partial D) inactive
- 14. He has intense feelings of love for music.He is .....about music.
A) Polite B) Possessive C) Passionate D) Patient
- 15. He is more thoughtful and he looks at the 'big picture' when dealing with challenges. He is .....
A) Prodigal B) Philosophical C) Patient D) Passive
- 16. He is guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory.He is
A) Practical B) Possessive C) Political D) Prodigal
- 17. You can trust on him. He is ......
A) Reliable B) Robust C) Religious D) Polite