- 1. How many legs do all spiders have?
- 2. How many body parts do all spiders have?
- 3. What do spiders use to make silk?
A) spinnerets B) legs C) eyes
- 4. All spiders are the same size.
A) False B) True
A) plants B) pigs C) insects
- 6. A spider is a __________.
A) living thing B) nonliving thing.
- 7. What happens right AFTER you plant a seed?
A) A little sprout grows from it. B) You can scoop out the seeds. C) A yellow flower grows on it.
- 8. At first a _______ _______ pumpkin grows on the plant.
A) small green B) big yellow C) small orange
- 9. What grows from a pumpkin seed?
A) red apples B) more pumpkins
- 10. A pumpkin is a living thing.
A) True B) False