Year 7 Algorithms TA2 2019_20
Year 7TA2 AssessmentComputer Science
What are the digits in a binary number system?
What are the digits in the decimal number system?
Collecting information to solve a problem

It is the brain of computer

Step by step instructions
What is an algorithm?
When using the binary system, data is converted using 
the power of 10

when using the binary system, data is converted using 

the power of 16

when using the binary system, data is converted using 

the power of 2

Why is the binary system known as base 2?

Convert the following binary numbers in to denary


Convert the following binary numbers in to denary


Convert the following binary numbers in to denary


Convert the following binary numbers in to denary


Convert the following binary numbers in to denary


Convert the following binary numbers in to denary


Convert the following denary number into binary


Convert the following denary number into binary


Convert the following denary number into binary

Thinking like a computer
Step by step instructions
Looking at a problem and working out a way 
a computer might be able to solve it.
What is computational thinking?
Write the stages of computational thinking in order
Choose from the 
Hypothesis testing
Data collection
Identify the problem
Pattern identification
Decompose the problem
A- Z
Ascending order is..
Z - A
Descending order is
10 - 0
A - Z
As a platform to program a solution
To test a solution to a problem
To plan out the solution to a problem
What are algorithms used for?
A diagram that represents a set of instructions
What is pseudocode?
A way of describing a set of instructions that 
doesn’t use specific syntax
A diagram that represents a set of instructions
Which of the following is not a computational
thinking technique
Pattern recognition
When is a computer most likely to be used when using 
computational thinking?
During decomposition
During pattern identification
When writing algorithms
At the end, when programming a computer
Case Study question
Which step of computational thinking links Cholera in Soho
with Malaria in Kitanga
Pattern Identification
Data collection
Choose from the following
pattern identification, abstraction, generalisation, data
Dr Snow collected data on a map. He used this to 
perform which step of computational thinking?
What is bubblesort?
A sorting game
A machine that blows bubbles
A searching algorithm
A sorting algorithm
Sort the following list using bubblesort in ascending order5 1 2 3 4 5 (hint write the first 4 steps and leave a space between numbers)
The process of filtering out irrelevant characteristics
and unecessary detail 
The process of filtering out unnecessary detail
The process of filtering out irrelevant characteristics
What is abstraction?
This dog has a wet nose
Dogs run quickly
I like dogs
This dog has a brown coat
Which of the following is a general characteristic
Houses have walls, doors and people live in them. 
How many of these characteristics do 
we need to know to draw a house?
Two of them
Three of them
One of them
Use bubblesort to sort this array in ascending order
1 5 4 3 2 (Hint write steps of the two passes)
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