Raiders Of The Lost Ark
  • 1. Who plays the lead role of Indiana Jones in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'?
A) Harrison Ford
B) Brad Pitt
C) Johnny Depp
D) Tom Cruise
  • 2. In the film, what is Indiana Jones searching for?
A) Excalibur
B) The Philosopher's Stone
C) The Ark of the Covenant
D) The Holy Grail
  • 3. What university does Indiana Jones teach at?
A) Oxford University
B) Marshall College
C) Yale University
D) Harvard University
  • 4. Who directed 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'?
A) Quentin Tarantino
B) Steven Spielberg
C) George Lucas
D) James Cameron
  • 5. What is Indiana Jones' profession?
A) Criminal
B) Historian
C) Explorer
D) Archaeologist
  • 6. Who is Indiana Jones' main love interest in the film?
A) Elsa Schneider
B) Irina Spalko
C) Willie Scott
D) Marion Ravenwood
  • 7. What is the nickname of Indiana Jones' iconic hat?
A) Boater
B) Sombrero
C) Fedora
D) Trilby
  • 8. What does Indiana Jones fear the most?
A) Heights
B) Clowns
C) Snakes
D) Spiders
  • 9. What year does 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' take place?
A) 1936
B) 1964
C) 1942
D) 1950
  • 10. What year was Raiders of the Lost Ark released?
A) 1981
B) 1977
C) 1984
D) 1990
  • 11. Who plays the character Marion Ravenwood in Raiders of the Lost Ark?
A) Kate Capshaw
B) Karen Allen
C) Carrie Fisher
D) Harrison Ford
  • 12. In which country does the opening scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark take place?
A) Peru
B) Egypt
C) India
D) Tibet
  • 13. What is Indiana Jones' real first name?
A) Thomas
B) Henry
C) James
D) William
  • 14. Where is the location of the Well of Souls in Raiders of the Lost Ark?
A) Tanis
B) Mecca
C) Jerusalem
D) Cairo
  • 15. What type of snake does Indiana Jones encounter in the Well of Souls?
A) Rattlesnake
B) Cobra
C) Boa Constrictor
D) Python
  • 16. What is the name of Indiana Jones' friend and sidekick in Raiders of the Lost Ark?
A) Short Round
B) Willie Scott
C) Sallah
D) Elsa Schneider
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