A) April 23, 1850 B) November 30, 1811 C) March 16, 1799 D) September 21, 1832
A) St. Paul's Cathedral B) Westminster Abbey C) Dryburgh Abbey D) Canterbury Cathedral
A) England B) Ireland C) Wales D) Scotland
A) The Heart of Mid-Lothian B) Kenilworth C) Ivanhoe D) Rob Roy
A) Romantic poetry B) Historical fiction C) Mystery D) Science fiction
A) The Lady of the Lake B) The Lay of the Last Minstrel C) The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border D) Marmion
A) Oxford University B) Cambridge University C) Harvard University D) Yale University
A) 1820 B) 1835 C) 1840 D) 1805
A) Malaria B) Smallpox C) Apoplexy D) Cholera |