What Time is it?
__1. It is a quarter to nineA. 4:50
__2. It is eight o´clockB. 9:10
__3. It is five oh fiveC. 8:00
__4. It is half past twelveD. 3:07
__5. It is seven fifty twoE. 12:30
__6. It is seven past threeF. 5:05
__7. It is ten minutes past nineG. 8:45
__8. It is ten to fiveH. 8:20
__9. It is three and halfI. 3:30
__10. It is twenty to nineJ. 7:52
__11. It is a quarter past fiveA. 6:30
__12. It is a quarter to fourB. 7:05
__13. It is eight thirtyC. 3:45
__14. It is nine o´clockD. 9:00
__15. It is one thirtyE. 8:50
__16. It is seven fourty fiveF. 8:30
__17. It is seven oh fiveG. 1:30
__18. It is ten to nineH. 12:00
__19. It is twelve o´clockI. 5:15
__20. Its six and halfJ. 7:45
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