Science Test (Year 5) Eta
  • 1. What is erosion?
A) It is the washing away of and carrying off the top soil of the surface of the earth.
B) The breaking of rocks
C) Moving sediments and dropping them in another place
  • 2. The downhill movement of wet soil due to gravity is a ___________.
  • 3. When gravity causes the downhill movement of rocks and soil this is called ________________.
  • 4. Whem wind deposits sand into huge mounds, these mounds are called ______.
  • 5. Where would you not find dunes?
A) Iceland
B) Egypt
C) Namibia
  • 6. The downhill movement of dry soil due to gravity is called a ________.
  • 7. Tiny pieces of broken rock are called ________.
  • 8. When gravity causes flat land to sink, this phenomenon is called _______.
  • 9. Is man responsible for erosion and its effects on the soil?
  • 10. How is man responsible for erosion?
A) Through what we eat.
B) Through our influence on the natural composition of the physical environment.
C) Through our wastes.
  • 11. Tick the options that show types of erosion.
A) rill
B) sand
C) sheet
D) climate
E) gully
  • 12. The process of breaking rocks into sediment is called __________.
  • 13. ___________ is the process of dropping sediment in a new place.
  • 14. What can cause erosion? (Write only one.)
A) rain
B) ice
C) whirlwind
D) wind
E) hurrricane
  • 15. Tick the options that show ways that man can cause erosion.
A) deforestation
B) overgrazing by animals in a particular area
C) hunting
D) road consturction
E) by recycling
  • 16. Tick the options that show impacts of erosion.
A) blindness
B) loss of lives and property
C) poor harvest and frustration for farmers
D) loss of soil fertility
E) more jobs
  • 17. Write one thing that can be done to prevent & control erosion.
A) Recycling
B) Terracing
C) Correct waste disposal
D) Wind break
E) Afforestation
  • 18. For questions 18-25 write W if the statement describes weathering, E if it describes erosion and D if it describes deposition.

    Acid rain dissolving the surface of rocks.
  • 19. Deltas forming at mouths of rivers.
  • 20. Muddy water being carried away by a fast moving river.
  • 21. A mudslide flowing down a steep hill.
  • 22. Wind blasting at rock and carving out arches.
  • 23. Waves dropping sand on the beach.
  • 24. Formation of sand dunes.
  • 25. Flood water pounding against a canyon wall and wearing it down.
  • 26. Tick agents of weathering.
A) plastic
B) water
C) frost
D) ice
E) man
  • 27. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary _________ is the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance (pollutant) or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.
A) creep
B) pollution
C) deposition
  • 28. Which of these is a type of pollution? (Tick)
A) water
B) chemical
C) land
D) air
E) sound
  • 29. Pollution is very hazardous to human health. It can cause headaches, burns, breathing problems, skin rash, deafness, weakness and stomach aches. It is also hazardous to the environment because it can cause holes in the ozone layer, smog, soot and acid rain.
    Use the above passage to solve questions 31-35.
  • 30. From the passage, smog, soot and acid rain are effects of pollution on the _________________.
  • 31. What causes holes in the ozone layer?
A) land pollution
B) air pollution
C) water pollution
  • 32. TRUE OR FALSE: Breathing problems, headaches, stomach aches, deafness, blindness et cetera are effects of pollution on __________.
A) people
B) human
C) humans
D) man
  • 33. The greenhouse effect causes which of the effects stated in the passage?
A) holes in the ozone layer
B) both
C) acid rain
  • 34. Stomach ache is a _____-borne disease.
A) water
B) air
  • 35. Air pollution can also be known as _______________ pollution.
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