Zen Buddhism
  • 1. Who is considered the founder of Zen Buddhism?
A) Confucius
B) Gautama Buddha
C) Bodhidharma
D) Lao Tzu
  • 2. What is the practice of sitting meditation in Zen called?
A) Zazen
B) Nirvana
C) Koan
D) Satori
  • 3. What is the Zen term for a sudden moment of enlightenment?
A) Dharma
B) Sangha
C) Kensho
D) Satori
  • 4. What is the traditional Zen seat for meditation called?
A) Zafu
B) Kinhin
C) Jikijitsu
D) Roshi
  • 5. Which Zen sect is known for its emphasis on koan practice?
A) Soto
B) Kwan Um
C) Obaku
D) Rinzai
  • 6. Who wrote the classic book 'Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind'?
A) Thich Nhat Hanh
B) Shunryu Suzuki
C) Alan Watts
D) D.T. Suzuki
  • 7. What poetic form of expression is often used in Zen teaching to convey deeper truths?
A) Sonnet
B) Epic
C) Limerick
D) Haiku
  • 8. What is the term for the practice of eating in silence and with mindfulness in Zen?
A) Oryoki
B) Teisho
C) Rohatsu
D) Daisan
  • 9. What is the purpose of the Zen tradition of 'Dharma combat'?
A) To test a student's understanding and awaken insight
B) To promote physical strength
C) To debate doctrinal differences
D) To attain a state of inner peace
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