The Golden Triangle: Where Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar Meet
  • 1. Which three countries meet at the Golden Triangle?
A) Thailand, Laos, Myanmar
B) Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam
C) Bangladesh, India, Myanmar
D) Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam
  • 2. Which river forms a natural boundary between Myanmar and Laos in the Golden Triangle area?
A) Amazon River
B) Yangtze River
C) Nile River
D) Mekong River
  • 3. Which city in Thailand serves as a gateway to the Golden Triangle?
A) Pattaya
B) Phuket
C) Chiang Rai
D) Bangkok
  • 4. Which country in the Golden Triangle is known for its Buddhist temples?
A) Thailand
B) Cambodia
C) Laos
D) Myanmar
  • 5. What is the climate like in the Golden Triangle region?
A) Tropical
B) Arctic
C) Temperate
D) Desert
  • 6. Which country in the Golden Triangle is famous for its Inle Lake?
A) Thailand
B) Myanmar
C) Vietnam
D) Laos
  • 7. What is the primary religion in the Golden Triangle region?
A) Christianity
B) Judaism
C) Hinduism
D) Buddhism
  • 8. What is the official currency of Thailand, one of the countries in the Golden Triangle?
A) Yen
B) Thai Baht
C) Euro
D) Dollar
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