A) allows the user to communicate with the computer B) carries out instructions C) connects various components within the computer D) stores data and instructions
A) carries out instructions B) connects various components within the computer C) stores data and instructions D) allows the user to communicate with the computer
- 3. Sports
The sport of association football is commonly called "----" in the United States.
A) Kickball B) Handball C) Rugby D) soccer
- 4. Semeru Volcano, which was seen in the news, is located in which country?
A) [B] Indonesia B) [C] Japan C) [D] Australia D) [A] Philippines
- 5. Which country launched its latest nuclear stealth bomber named ‘B-21’?
A) [B] Russia B) [D] Ukraine C) [C] USA D) [A] Israel
- 6. Who is known as Father of Green Revolution?
A) Dr. M S Swami Nathan B) Norman Borlaug C) None of the above D) Verghese Kurien
- 7. At which of the following Harappan sites, terracotta female figures were discovered?
A) Maler Kotal B) Mohenjo-daro C) Sirsa D) Hissar
- 8. The Bori Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS) is located in which state?
A) Himachal Pradesh B) Madhya Pradesh C) Uttra Pradesh D) Andhra Pradesh
- 9. A camel stores its Fat in
A) Its tail B) Its Hump C) Its legs D) Its Head
- 10. The First God who is prayed before commencement of any function by Hindus is
A) Lord Lakshmi B) Lord Karthikeya C) Lord Shiva D) Lord Ganesha
- 11. Some radiations are also trapped in the atmosphere due to the presence of some gases like carbon dioxide etc causing _____house effect.
A) Green B) White C) Red D) Black
- 12. Indira Col makes the 3-point boundary between which of the following countries?
A) [C] India, Myanmar, China B) [B] India, Pakistan, China C) [A] India, Nepal, China D) [D] India, Bhutan, China
- 13. Zero Mile Stone is located in which city of India?
A) [B] Nagpur B) [A] Bhopal C) [D] Indore D) [C] Jabalpur
- 14. The states of India which shared its boundary with _________- Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram.
A) Myanmar B) Bhutan C) Nepal D) Bangladesh
- 15. The old name of Sri Lanka is
A) Madrasa pattnam B) South Chennai C) Lanka D) Cylon
- 16. Mathematics
Numeration find the product of the least two and three digit numbers
A) 1000 B) 10 C) 99900 D) 10000
- 17. If you add the successor of the greatest four digit number to the least single digit number you will get
A) 1000 B) 9999 C) 1001 D) 999
- 18. In Roman numeral you cannot use the symbol more than ___times to denote a numeral
A) 3 B) 4 C) 2 D) 1
- 19. To know if a number can be divided by 3, all we do is to
A) if the sum of digits of a number is divisible by 2 or a multiple of 3, the number is divisible by 3 B) if the sum of digits of a number is divisible by 3 or a multiple of 9, the number is divisible by 3 C) if the sum of digits of a number is divisible by 3 or a multiple of 3, the number is divisible by 3 D) if the sum of digits of a number is divisible by 6 or a multiple of 3, the number is divisible by 3
- 20. Is the following number divisible by 2 and 3?
A) It is divisible by both 2 and 3 B) It is not divisible by both 2 and 3 C) Divisible by only 3 D) Divisible by only 2
- 21. 9 pens cost Rs.81. How much will 2 pens cost?
A) Rs.27 B) Rs.36 C) Rs.18 D) Rs.9
- 22. A boy can do a job in 8 days. How many boys are required to do the same job in 4 days?
A) 2 B) 6 C) 4 D) 8
- 23. The formula to find the Time, when distance and Speed is given....
A) Distance + Speed B) Distance/ Speed C) Distance x Speed D) Distance- Speed
- 24. 36 km per hour is equal to
A) 10 m/s B) 12 m/s C) 15 m/s D) 18 m/s
- 25. A dog completes a distance of 50 m in 5 seconds. its speed in km/hr= ??
A) 10 km/h B) 20 km/h C) 30 km/h D) None of these
- 26. Somu had 25 chocolates, he ate 5 of them. What fraction of the total Chocolates now left with him
A) 1/5 B) 3/5 C) 4/5 D) 2/5
- 27. 2/5 part of 1 rupee is____paise
A) 20 B) 40 C) 30 D) 10
- 28. We use Litres to measure
A) Any of these B) Liquids C) Gases D) Solids
- 29. LCM of 1, 2,and 3 is _____
A) Difference of 3 and 2 B) None of these C) he sum of all the three numbers D) Multiple of all the three numbers
- 30. When we say Square of a number we actually mean
A) double of the number B) multiplying the same number two times C) half the number D) multiplying the number by it self
A) two times the number B) None of these C) half of the number D) one fourth of the number
- 32. To solve the bracket we follow___
A) First solve the Common bracket and then Flower, then Square B) First Square, then flower and at last is the common bracket C) First Flower, then square and at last common bracket D) It can be done in any order
- 33. When we say Percentage it means
A) None of these B) 1/10 C) out of 100 D) Number by 100
- 34. The 4 boys average age is 10, and three boys average age is 8. Now to find the average age of all the 7 we perform ___ operations
A) add 10 and 8 and divide by 7 B) multiply 10 x 8 divide by 7 C) Subtract 8 from 10, to get the answer D) None of these
- 35. you get profit by subtracting the cost price by Selling price in case of a profit
A) False B) Not applicable C) True D) Not applicable
- 36. Choose the word form among the options which is opposite in meaning to the word that appears in Capital letters:
The building looked UGLY after painting.
A) (a) neat B) (c) Dirty C) (b) Clean D) (d) Beautiful
- 37. The doctors performance was BRILLIANT
A) Good B) Wonderful C) Dull D) Excellent
- 38. The boss spoke to him in a COLD Manner ( opposite of Cold)
A) Hot B) Angry C) warm D) Joyful
- 39. Life on Earth is not SIMPLE as it used to be___
A) (c) Complex B) (b) Difficult C) (d) Big D) (a) easy
- 40. In that country people wear STRANGE dress
Opposite of STRANGE
A) Rare B) Ordinary C) Ancient D) Modern
- 41. DIRECTIONS: Read the following Paragraph carefully and answer the question that follow:-
Sports play an important part in the life of every growing boy and girl. Young boys and girls need to play games if they are to develop a strong and healthy body. Besides the play field provides a person with an opportunity to learn virutes like self-control and cooperation, so essential in the building up of a balanced personality.<br> The duke of Wellington is reported to have said tha the battle of Waterloo was won on the play fields of Elon. What he meant was that the officers, who had received their schooling at ELON had learnt courage, manliness, the fighting spirit and fair play in their school games. It was these qualities that made them such good leaders of men and above all, such fine soldiers, So, we cannot underrate the importance of Games. Question:- "____if they are to develop a strong and healthy body". The word "they" have been used for _____
A) [C] Fine soldiers B) [B] Young boys and girls C) [A] Good leaders D) [D] The Duke of Wellington
- 42. What should we do to develop a strong and healthy body?
A) [D] We should drink a lot of water B) [A] We should eat more food C) [C] We should eat sweets D) [B] We should play games
- 43. .According to Duke of Wellington where was the battle field of Waterloo won?
A) [A] in the battle field B) [D ]In England C) [B] In France D) [C ] In the playfields for Elon
- 44. What are the qualities needed for a balanced personality as mentioned in the paragraph?
A) [D] All of these B) [B] Manliness C) [C] Fighting Sprit and Fair Play D) [A] Courage
- 45. Select the word closest in meaning to the word "Virtues" used in the paragraph
A) [B ] Qualities B) [A] Advantages C) [D] Ill traits D) [C] Skills
- 46. Directions:- Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions from given options:-
Anjali is suffering ____Malaria
A) [A] with B) [D] at C) [C] of D) [B] From
- 47. Sonu has no love_____music.
A) at B) with C) on D) for
- 48. The boy ran _____ the dog.
A) at B) after C) on D) for
- 49. The birds were caught _____the net
A) [D] at B) [B] upon C) [A] on D) [C] in
- 50. The driver jumped ____the car.
A) [C] of B) [B] off C) [D] at D) [A] out
- 51. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom/phrase.
See eye to eye
A) [B] Agree B) [A] Stare at each other C) [D] Make an effort D) [C] Depend on
A) [B] Feet feeling like ice B) [A] Be nervous C) [C] An unrecognizable enemy or danger D) [D] Ignore someone
A) [D] Very small item< B) [C] Miserly C) [B] Greater share of a thing D) [A} No share at all
A) Very Casually B) Honestly C) The whole of one's energy and passion D) Wearily
A) [B] Be in trouble B) [C] Have doubts C) [D] Something very difficult D) [A] Something very easy
- 56. Directions: Re-arrange the letters to find out correct words from the options given below:-
A) [A] Fead B) [C] Feda C) D] Deaf D) [B] Daef
- 57. Directions: Re-arrange the letters to find out correct words from the options given below:-
- 58. Re-arrange the letters to find out correct words from the options given below:-
A) [C] Mesumu B) [D] Museum C) [B] Mesuum D) [A] Musume
- 59. Re-arrange the letters to find out correct words from the options given below:-
A) [C] Kighnt B) [D] Kinght C) [A] Knight D) [B] Nighkt
- 60. Re-arrange the letters to find out correct words from the options given below:-EGEMRE
A) [B] Ergeme B) [D] Geerme C) [C] Merege D) [A] Emerge
- 61. (1) Which one of the following is a recipient of the Booker prize 2020 novel Shuggie Bain? | निम्नलिखित में से कौन बुकर पुरस्कार 2020 उपन्यास शुग्गी बैन का प्राप्तकर्ता है?
A) Lee child B) Douglas Stuard C) None of these D) L sissay
- 62. Kuchipudi is a popular folk dance of which of the following states? | कुचिपुड़ी निम्नलिखित में से किस राज्य का लोकप्रिय लोक नृत्य है?RMS-2
A) Andhra Pradesh B) Karnataka C) Tamil Nadu D) Manipur
- 63. What is the currency of Bhutan? | भूटान की मुद्रा क्या है?
A) Ngultrum B) Rupaiya C) Peso D) Dollar
- 64. Which is the highest gallantry award in India?| भारत में सर्वोच्च वीरता पुरस्कार कौन सा है?
A) Bharat Ratna B) VIr Chakra C) Param vir Chakra D) Maha vir Chakra
- 65. ___________is the most fertile soil | ___________ सबसे उपजाऊ मिट्टी है
A) Black Soil B) Alluvial Soil C) Clay Soil D) Red soil
- 66. UJALA and SLNP schemes, which have completed six years, are implemented by which ministry?| उजाला और एसएलएनपी योजनाएं, जिन्होंने छह साल पूरे कर लिए हैं, किस मंत्रालय द्वारा कार्यान्वित की जाती हैं?
A) Ministry of Power B) Ministry of Rural Development C) Ministry of Defence D) Ministry of Animal Husbandry
- 67. The book titled 'Loktantra Swar, is the compilation of speeches of which Indian leaders? | 'लोकतंत्र स्वर' नामक पुस्तक किन भारतीय नेताओं के भाषणों का संकलन है?
A) Ramnath Govind B) Venkaiya Naidu C) APJ Abdul Kalam D) Arun Jaitley
- 68. Indian Army has built a memorial for its personnel killed during the Galway clash, at which place?| भारतीय सेना ने गॉलवे संघर्ष के दौरान मारे गए अपने कर्मियों के लिए किस स्थान पर एक स्मारक बनाया है?
A) Ladakh B) Darling C) Siliguri D) Leh
- 69. Indian Army has built a memorial for its personnel killed during the Galway clash, at which place?| भारतीय सेना ने गॉलवे संघर्ष के दौरान मारे गए अपने कर्मियों के लिए किस स्थान पर एक स्मारक बनाया है?
A) Run for Fun B) Fit India Freedom Run C) Swarna Jayanti Run D) Run for India
- 70. which scientist discovered the radioactive element radium?| रेडियोधर्मी तत्व रेडियम की खोज किस वैज्ञानिक ने की थी?
A) Madam Curie B) Isaac Newton C) Eiensitne D) Franklin Roosvalt
- 71. Which among the following are commonly known as shooting stars?| निम्नलिखित में से किसे सामान्यतः शूटिंग सितारे के रूप में जाना जाता है?
A) Commet B) Planet C) Meteor D) Asteroid
- 72. Who among the following is the Supreme Commander of the Indian armed forces? | निम्नलिखित में से कौन भारतीय सशस्त्र बलों का सर्वोच्च कमांडर है?
A) President B) PM C) Defence Minister D) Army General
- 73. Which of the following is not a primary greenhouse gas found in the earth's atmosphere?| निम्नलिखित में से कौन पृथ्वी के वायुमंडल में पाई जाने वाली प्राथमिक ग्रीन हाउस गैस नहीं है?
A) Carbon di oxide B) Nitrogen Oxide C) Methane D) Oxygen
- 74. Hornbill Festival is celebrated in which state of India?| हॉर्नबिल महोत्सव भारत के किस राज्य में मनाया जाता है?RMS-2021
A) Manipur B) Nagaland C) Mizrom D) Assam
- 75. Hornbill Festival is celebrated in which state of India?| हॉर्नबिल महोत्सव भारत के किस राज्य में मनाया जाता है?RMS-2021
A) Indian Modernity | भारतीय आधुनिकता B) Wings of Fire C) The Transparent Mind | पारदर्शी मन D) A brief History of Time
- 76. Which is the Capital of Spain? | स्पेन की राजधानी कौन सी है?RMS-2021
A) Barcelona B) Madrid C) Toledo D) Bilbao
- 77. The martyrdom day of which Sikh Guru is observed in the month of November, as 'Shaheed Diwas?| नवंबर के महीने में किस सिख गुरु के शहादत दिवस को 'शहीद दिवस' के रूप में मनाया जाता है?RMS-2021
A) Guru Arjun Dev Singh B) Guru Tegh Bahdu C) Guru Ankad D) Guru Nanak
- 78. Who created the legendary comic character of 'Mowgli? | मोगली के प्रसिद्ध हास्य चरित्र की रचना किसने की?
A) Rudyard Kipling B) RK Narayan C) Vishnu Sharma D) Ruskin Bond
- 79. In which field is the Arjun Award given? | अर्जुन पुरस्कार किस क्षेत्र में दिया जाता है?RMS-2021
A) Music B) Sports C) Science D) Medicine
- 80. Which destructive did cyclone enter India during the month of May 2021? | मई 2021 के महीने में किस विनाशकारी चक्रवात ने भारत में प्रवेश किया?
A) Katrina B) Sandy C) Taukte D) Haiyan
- 81. What is measured by a Barometer?| बैरोमीटर से क्या मापा जाता है?
A) Atmospheric Pressure B) Speed of wind C) Electricity D) Rain
- 82. where is the headquarters of ISRO situated?| ISRO का मुख्यालय कहाँ स्थित है?RMS-2021
A) Mumbai B) Srihari Kota C) Bengaluru D) Thrivananda puram
- 83. Who is the Agriculture Minister of India?| भारत के कृषि मंत्री कौन हैं?RMS-2021
A) Nadkarni B) Amid Shah C) NS Tomar D) Shiv Sankar
- 84. Who is the head of the State Bank of India? | भारतीय स्टेट बैंक के प्रमुख कौन हैं?
A) Rajnish Kumar jah B) Atanu Kumar Das C) Dinesh Kumar Khera D) Rajeeve
- 85. What is Dry Ice? | सूखी बर्फ क्या है?
A) Dry Oxygen B) Dry Nitrogen C) Dried ice D) Dry Carbon Dioxide
- 86. Which is the longest National Highway of India?| भारत का सबसे लंबा राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग कौन सा है?
A) NH 52 B) NH 44 C) NH 1 D) MH 47
- 87. What did Gandhiji do to break salt law? | नमक कानून तोड़ने के लिए गांधी जी ने क्या किया?RMS-2021
A) Marched to Dandi B) Marched to Champaran C) Marched to Ahmadabad D) Marched to Delhi
- 88. Which state has the highest population density in India? | भारत में सर्वाधिक जनसंख्या घनत्व वाला राज्य कौन सा है?
A) Mharashtra B) West Bengal C) Tamil Nadu D) Bihar
- 89. Who is known as Iron Man of India? | भारत के लौह पुरुष के रूप में किसे जाना जाता है?RMS-2021
A) MK Gandhi B) None of these C) Amid Shah D) Narendra Modi
- 90. Who is the Governor of Rajasthan?| राजस्थान के राज्यपाल कौन हैं?
A) Khal Raj Mishra B) Anandi Ben Patel C) Baby Rani D) P Chauhan
- 91. Who abolished the practice of Sati" during the British period? | ब्रिटिश काल के दौरान किसने सती प्रथा को समाप्त किया"?RMS-2021
A) Lord Dalhousie B) Mayo C) Lord Carnwell D) Lord William Bentinck
- 92. Which one of them is not a good conductor of electricity?| इनमें से कौन विद्युत का सुचालक नहीं है?
A) Silver B) Mica C) Copper D) Aluminum
- 93. What is the longitude of a place on the prime meridian? | प्राइम मेरिडियन पर किसी स्थान का देशांतर क्या है?
A) 90 degree B) 360 degree C) 66 and 1/2 degree D) 0 degree
- 94. Guru Gobind Singh was the son of- _______ | गुरु गोबिंद सिंह के पुत्र थे- _______RMS-2021
A) Guru Hargobind Singh B) Guru Tekh Bhadur C) Guru Nanak Dev D) Guru Arjun Dev
- 95. What is the percentage of Nitrogen in atmosphere of the Earth? | पृथ्वी के वायुमंडल में नाइट्रोजन का प्रतिशत कितना है?RMS-2021
A) 77.50 % B) 73.03% C) 73.05% D) 78.05%
- 96. What is the name of the layer above Earth's surface which is located at the height of 8km poles and 16km from the equator?| पृथ्वी की सतह के ऊपर की परत का नाम क्या है जो भूमध्य रेखा से 8 किमी ध्रुवों की ऊंचाई और 16 किमी पर स्थित है?
A) Tropopause B) Ionosphere C) Tropsphere D) Atmosphere
- 97. Which nutrients help our growth? | कौन से पोषक तत्व हमारे विकास में मदद करते हैं?RMS-2021
A) Fats and Carbohydrates B) Vitamin A and Minerals C) Protiens D) All of these
- 98. There are seven continents in the world. In terms of area, the largest continent is ______ and the smallest continent is ______ | विश्व में सात महाद्वीप हैं। क्षेत्रफल की दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा महाद्वीप ______ है और सबसे छोटा महाद्वीप ______ है
A) Africa and Asia B) Asia and South Amrica C) North America and Antarctica D) Asia and Australia
- 99. Which is the largest Archipelago country in the world? | विश्व का सबसे बड़ा द्वीपसमूह देश कौन सा है?
A) New Zeland B) Indonesia C) Brunai D) Malta
- 100. Who invented World Wide Web (WWW) ? | वर्ल्ड वाइड वेब (WWW) का आविष्कार किसने किया?
A) Sunder Pichai B) Bill Gates C) Tim Berners and Lee D) Steve Jobs