Germany proclaimed a republic
  • 1. When was the Weimar Republic proclaimed in Germany?
A) 1923
B) 1918
C) 1939
D) 1914
  • 2. What form of government replaced the monarchy in Germany after World War I?
A) Monarchy
B) Dictatorship
C) Communism
D) Republic
  • 3. What treaty officially ended World War I and was signed under the Weimar Republic?
A) Treaty of Versailles
B) Treaty of Trianon
C) Munich Agreement
D) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
  • 4. Which political party played a major role in the founding of the Weimar Republic?
A) German National People's Party
B) Communist Party
C) Social Democratic Party
D) Nazi Party
  • 5. Under the Weimar Republic, which city became the capital of Germany?
A) Frankfurt
B) Munich
C) Berlin
D) Hamburg
  • 6. Who was the first President of the Weimar Republic?
A) Paul von Hindenburg
B) Friedrich Ebert
C) Karl Liebknecht
D) Gustav Stresemann
  • 7. Which event in 1923 saw Adolf Hitler attempt to seize power in Munich?
A) Night of the Long Knives
B) Kristallnacht
C) Reichstag Fire
D) Beer Hall Putsch
  • 8. Who was the famous playwright and poet who became a prominent figure in Weimar Republic culture?
A) Friedrich Nietzsche
B) Bertolt Brecht
C) Karl Marx
D) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • 9. Who was the famous German filmmaker known for his expressionist films during the Weimar Republic era?
A) Stanley Kubrick
B) Alfred Hitchcock
C) Ingmar Bergman
D) Fritz Lang
  • 10. Which iconic German novel was written by Erich Maria Remarque and depicted the horrors of World War I?
A) Berlin Alexanderplatz
B) All Quiet on the Western Front
C) The Metamorphosis
D) Steppenwolf
  • 11. Which German artist and political activist is known for his satirical and critical works during the Weimar Republic?
A) Salvador Dalí
B) George Grosz
C) Pablo Picasso
D) Vincent van Gogh
  • 12. What was the name of the liberal constitution adopted by the Weimar Republic?
A) Munich Pact
B) Weimar Constitution
C) Berlin Charter
D) Frankfurt Declaration
  • 13. What economic term describes the period of economic hardship and high unemployment that followed the Weimar Republic's golden years?
A) Boom Time
B) Great Depression
C) Prosperity Era
D) Golden Age
  • 14. What was the term used to describe the political and economic instability that plagued the Weimar Republic?
A) Weimar Crisis
B) Berlin Breakdown
C) Frankfurt Fiasco
D) Munich Meltdown
  • 15. Which political ideology was a major force in opposition to the Weimar Republic and sought to establish a communist regime in Germany?
A) Socialism
B) Fascism
C) Communism
D) Capitalism
  • 16. What was the name of the series of diplomatic agreements that helped stabilize Germany's borders under the Weimar Republic?
A) Paris Accords
B) Berlin Pacts
C) Vienna Agreements
D) Locarno Treaties
  • 17. Who became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and consolidated power for the Nazi Party?
A) Heinrich Himmler
B) Joseph Goebbels
C) Hermann Göring
D) Adolf Hitler
  • 18. Who was the last President of the Weimar Republic before Hitler's rise to power?
A) Gustav Stresemann
B) Kurt von Schleicher
C) Friedrich Ebert
D) Paul von Hindenburg
  • 19. Who was the famous German philosopher and sociologist who critiqued the Weimar Republic in his works?
A) Max Weber
B) Karl Marx
C) Friedrich Nietzsche
D) Immanuel Kant
  • 20. Which country's defeat in World War I led to the proclamation of the Weimar Republic?
A) Germany
B) United Kingdom
C) France
D) United States
  • 21. What economic turmoil did the Weimar Republic face in the early 1920s?
A) Stagflation
B) Deflation
C) Hyperinflation
D) Recession
  • 22. What was the official name of Germany during the Weimar Republic?
A) German Reich
B) Holy Roman Empire
C) Prussian Kingdom
D) German Federation
  • 23. Which German state was the largest constituent state of the Weimar Republic?
A) Prussia
B) Hesse
C) Saxony
D) Bavaria
  • 24. Who was the leader of the Spartacus League, a key player in the early days of the Weimar Republic?
A) Karl Liebknecht
B) Rosa Luxemburg
C) August Bebel
D) Eduard Bernstein
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