JSS 2 Civic Education
  • 1. ------ is a set of basic rules and principle or law governing the rights and duties of a citizens of country
A) Democracy
B) Sovereignty
C) Constitution
D) Rule of law
  • 2. Which of the following is not an attribute of right attitude to work
A) Laziness
B) Punctuality
C) Diligence
D) Integrity
  • 3. Which of the following is not a reward for right attitude to work
A) Efficiency
B) Higher productively
C) Improved national image
D) Inflation
  • 4. Right attitude to work refers to promotion of work
A) Positive behavior at our various offices
B) Laziness at work
C) Sleeping whenever one is tired
D) Promotion of work
  • 5. A hard-working worker would be ----- at work
A) Killed
B) Promoted
C) Sacked
D) Demoted
  • 6. All except one of these happens when a society does not have the right attitude to work
A) Indiscipline
B) Declined on productivity
C) Increase on productivity
D) Lack of motivation
  • 7. The attitude of telling the truth at all time is Known as
A) Commitment
B) Honesty
C) Hard-working
D) Hostility
  • 8. One of the following is a reward for right attitude to work
A) Inflation
B) Deflation
C) Increased productivity
D) Low productivity
  • 9. All except one of these are forms of negative behavior in Nigeria
A) Cultism
B) Dishonesty
C) Drug Abuse
D) Marriage
  • 10. Any unpleasant behavior trait can hinder the achievement of set goals and objectives of the people as an entity is called
A) Negative behavior
B) Democracy
C) Bribery and Cooperation
D) Rule of law
  • 11. Self Medication is an example of------
A) Drug Abuse
B) Corruption
C) Doctorship
D) Intellectual skills
  • 12. The system of government that recognizes the opinion of the majority is called
A) Aristocracy
B) Anarchy
C) Monarchy
D) Democracy
  • 13. The Rights of citizens are contain in the------
A) None of the above
B) Law book
C) Constitution
D) Right book
  • 14. ------ are basic rights every human being should be entitled to
A) None of the above
B) Birth Right
C) Human rights
D) Marriage right
  • 15. ------ is someone who buys and uses product and services provided by a producer or a supplier
A) Wholesaler
B) Consumer
C) Retail
D) Producer
  • 16. The responsibility of consumer includes the following except
A) Beware
B) Cheating
C) Speak out
D) Think independently
  • 17. ---- can be define as a rule of majority
A) Government
B) Authorization
C) Democracy
D) election
  • 18. What is the full meaning of INEC
A) Independent national elective commission
B) Independent native election council
C) Independent National Electoral Commission
D) International national election council
  • 19. The following are refer to as pillars of democracy except one
A) Political party
B) The Constitution
C) Free and fair election
D) Purchasing power
  • 20. ----- is a management meant to safe guard life and property
A) Hospital management
B) Government
C) Home management
D) Emergency Management
  • 21. Equality before the law means
A) Society enjoy all
B) Big men enjoy alone
C) Civil servant enjoys alone
D) All individual enjoys the same treatment
  • 22. Probity leads to the following except
A) Stagnation
B) Progress
C) Peace
D) Understanding
  • 23. ------ is being satisfied with whatever someone has
A) Contentment
B) Diligent
C) Self-control
D) Consistency
  • 24. Fair -play is being
A) Playing rough
B) Trouble some
C) Being Straight forward
D) Playing gently
  • 25. Which of these is not an effect of dishonesty
A) Irresponsible
B) Lack confidence
C) Trust
D) Selfishness
  • 26. Jealousy is a word to describe
A) Envy
B) Satisfaction
C) Anger
D) Pride
  • 27. Discipline is an act of training the
A) Mind
B) Nose
C) Head
D) Legs
  • 28. Attributes of discipline include the following except
A) Self respect
B) Disrespect
C) Self-control
D) Modesty
  • 29. A courageous persons will display the following attributes except
A) Boldness I
B) Indecision
C) Commitment
D) Endurance
  • 30. Which of these is not a major ethic group in Nigeria
A) Ibibio
B) Hausa
C) Igbi
D) Yoruba
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