9° 3ER PER
  • 1. Choose the option that describes the picture
A) D. Ed is the shortest of the three
B) B. Al the tallest of the three
C) C. Ed is the tallest of the three
D) A. Joe is shorter than Ed
  • 2. At a pet shop. There are many animals at a pet shop. Parrots are _________(2) expensive than iguanas, iguanas are not as expensive as parrots. Cats are ___________(3) beautiful animals at the pet shop and _____________ (4) are frogs.
A) D. as
B) B. the most
C) A. more
D) C. the
  • 3. At a pet shop. There are many animals at a pet shop. Parrots are _________(2) expensive than iguanas, iguanas are not as expensive as parrots. Cats are ___________(3) beautiful animals at the pet shop and _____________ (4) are frogs.
A) C. the most
B) A. more
C) D. the more
D) B. the
  • 4. At a pet shop. There are many animals at a pet shop. Parrots are _________(2) expensive than iguanas, iguanas are not as expensive as parrots. Cats are ___________(3) beautiful animals at the pet shop and _____________ (4) are frogs.
A) A. the uglier
B) C. the most ugliest
C) D. the most uglier
D) B. the ugliest
  • 5. Choose the option that completes the sentences:8.
    There are many exciting cities in North America, but I think New York is :
A) B. excitinger city of all
B) C. excitingest city of all
C) D. the most excity city of all
D) A. the more exciting city of all
  • 6. Choose the option that completes the sentences:10.
    I was so happy when I got married. My wedding day was_______________day of my life.
A) D. the more happiest
B) B. the most happy
C) C. the happiest
D) A. the happier
  • 7. Select the right sentences according to the texts:
    Tom is a good student. He gets up at seven or eight. Sue is better than Tom, she gets always at eight or nine....But Lisa is the best in the class...She always gets up at five.
A) A. Lisa is the best of the three, she always gets up at five
B) C. Sue is better than Lisa
C) D. Sue is older than Tom
D) B. Tom is more intelligent than Lisa
  • 8. Select the right sentences according to the texts:
    Tom is old. He is 70. But Paul is 83. He is older than Tom...and Joe is 95. He is the oldest of the three.
A) B. Joe is the youngest of the three
B) C. Paul is the youngest of the three
C) D. Tom is the oldest
D) A. Paul is younger than Joe
  • 9. READ AND ANSWER My mom loves my dad. She is thirty-four years old. Her name is Anna. She is really pretty. My mom has got blue and green eyes . She has got black long hair. She sometimes cooks and she can cook really well. She sometimes cleans the house. My mother works seven hours a day as a secretary. She doesn’t work on Sunday. Her hobby is shopping. Her favourite shop is H & M. She loves our two cats and she likes red and yellow flowers. I love my mum because she has always got time for me. What is her hobbie?
A) D. reading
B) B. skating
C) A. shopping
D) C. swimming
  • 10. READ AND ANSWER My mom loves my dad. She is thirty-four years old. Her name is Anna. She is really pretty. My mom has got blue and green eyes . She has got black long hair. She sometimes cooks and she can cook really well. She sometimes cleans the house. My mother works seven hours a day as a secretary. She doesn’t work on Sunday. Her hobby is shopping. Her favourite shop is H & M. She loves our two cats and she likes red and yellow flowers. I love my mum because she has always got time for me. Where does his mom work?
A) C. in a restaurant
B) D. in a hotel
C) A. in an office
D) B. at house
  • 11. READING COMPREHENSION: Diana lives with her mother and father in New York. She gets up at seven o’clock in the morning. She has ham and eggs for breakfast. Diana’s father works in a museum. He is a tourist guide. Her mother is a teacher. Diana is in 8° grade and she likes Geography and English. Does Diana live with her family?
A) D. no, She doesn´t live in Colombia
B) B. yes, she works in a museum
C) C. no, she doesn`t
D) A. yes, she does
  • 12. READING COMPREHENSION: Diana lives with her mother and father in New York. She gets up at seven o’clock in the morning. She has ham and eggs for breakfast. Diana’s father works in a museum. He is a tourist guide. Her mother is a teacher. Diana is in 8° grade and she likes Geography and English.What does her father do?
A) A.He is a tourist guide
B) C.He doesn`t work
C) D. he is a good father
D) B.He is a teacher
  • 13. Choose the best option to complete the dialogue Nick: Are you (13)_________________________? Tony: Yes, I am trying, because (14)_______________
A) A. trying to be part of the team?
B) C. tried to being a part of the team?
C) B. try to be part of the team?
D) D. try to being a part of the team?
  • 14. Choose the best option to complete the dialogue Nick: Are you (13)_________________________? Tony: Yes, I am trying, because (14)_______________
A) A. I am going to visit some cities
B) B. I am visiting some cities.
C) C. I do not visit some cities
D) D.I am going to visiting some cities
  • 15. Choose the correct sentence:
A) D. Washed his car last Sunday Mr. Garcia
B) A. Mr. Garcia washed his car last Sunday
C) C. Sunday washed Mr.Garcia last his car
D) B. Mr. Garcia washed last Sunday car his
  • 16. Choose the correct sentence:
A) B. Mary live in Roma
B) D. Mary livy in Rome
C) A. Mary lives in Rome
D) C. Mary living in Rome
  • 17. Reading “A popular star” Sandra Martinez is a popular DJ in our city. “ A DJ’s life is not easy,” she says. Sandra is busy all day, every day. She always gets up at six thirty and exercises for about half an hour. She has breakfast and take a bus to school. After school, she usually studies. At six o’clock, she goes to the studio for the show. Sandra sometimes does her homework and eats dinner at ten p.m. She never goes to bed early. What does she do at ten p.m.?
A) C. Sandra does her homework and go to bed
B) D. She watches t.v and does the homework
C) A. Sandra does her homework and eat dinner
D) B. she goes to the studio for the show
  • 18. Reading “A popular star” Sandra Martinez is a popular DJ in our city. “ A DJ’s life is not easy,” she says. Sandra is busy all day, every day. She always gets up at six thirty and exercises for about half an hour. She has breakfast and take a bus to school. After school, she usually studies. At six o’clock, she goes to the studio for the show. Sandra sometimes does her homework and eats dinner at ten p.m. She never goes to bed early. is she a popular DJ in the city?
A) C. No, she is not.
B) D. No, she does not.
C) B. Yes, she does.
D) A. Yes, she is
  • 19. Select the correct sentences: always/he/goes/at/ bed/to/11:30
A) B. he goes always to bed at 11:30
B) D. he at 11:30 goes to always bed
C) A. he always goes to bed at 11:30
D) C. always He at 11:30 goes to bed
  • 20. Select the correct sentences:never/in a/restaurant/they/eat.
A) B. they eat never in a restaurant.
B) C. never eat they in a restaurant.
C) D. never in a they eat restaurant.
D) A. they never eat in a restaurant
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