Robert Koch
  • 1. When was Robert Koch born?
A) 1776
B) 1900
C) 1843
D) 1865
  • 2. Which country was Robert Koch from?
A) Germany
B) Japan
C) France
D) United States
  • 3. In what year did Robert Koch win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?
A) 1800
B) 2000
C) 1950
D) 1905
  • 4. What is Robert Koch's famous postulate that determines if a particular organism causes a specific disease?
A) Darwin's theory
B) Einstein's relativity
C) Koch's postulates
D) Newton's laws
  • 5. What was Robert Koch's profession?
A) Microbiologist
B) Architect
C) Musician
D) Astronomer
  • 6. When did Robert Koch die?
A) 1800
B) 1910
C) 2000
D) 1945
  • 7. Which staining technique did Robert Koch develop?
A) Fluorescence microscopy
B) X-ray crystallography
C) Gram staining
D) Chromatography
  • 8. Robert Koch's work laid the foundation for which scientific field?
A) Microbiology
B) Psychology
C) Physics
D) Botany
  • 9. Which university did Robert Koch attend for his medical studies?
A) University of Göttingen
B) Harvard University
C) University of Oxford
D) Stanford University
  • 10. Which bacterium did Robert Koch discover and observe in the blood of cattle dying from anthrax?
A) Bacillus anthracis
B) Escherichia coli
C) Streptococcus pyogenes
D) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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