Possessives 3.5
  • 1. The tree lost ____ leaves.
A) it's
B) it's
C) its
  • 2. These pencils are ________.
A) ours
B) hours
C) our's
  • 3. This jacket is _______.
A) mine
B) myne
C) mine's
  • 4. Is that cat yours?
A) your'
B) your's
C) yours
  • 5. The party is at the Jackson _______ house.
A) famile's
B) family's
C) familys'
  • 6. Their driveway is full of other ______ cars.
A) families'
B) families
C) family's
  • 7. One man's dog ran away.
A) mans
B) manz
C) man's
  • 8. The _____ wives work together.
A) mens'
B) men's
C) mens
  • 9. Both _______ coats were new.
A) girls
B) girls'
C) girl's
  • 10. That ______ coat looks very warm.
A) girls'
B) girls
C) girl's
  • 11. All the books are _____.
A) hers
B) her's
C) hers'
  • 12. Are these toys ______.
A) theirs
B) theres
C) there's
  • 13. These are my twin _______ rooms.
A) brother's
B) brothers
C) brothers'
  • 14. I borrowed my ______ pen.
A) teacher's
B) teachers'
C) teachers
  • 15. The _______ workroom is off-limits to students.
A) teachers'
B) teachers
C) teacher's
  • 16. My favorite _______ dog follows her everywhere.
A) aunts'
B) aunt's
C) aunts
  • 17. My ________ husbands are my uncles.
A) aunts'
B) aunt's
C) aunts
  • 18. The little _____ toy sailboat drifted across the pond.
A) boys
B) boy's
C) boys'
  • 19. The ______ baseball team plays this afternoon.
A) boys'
B) boys
C) boy's
  • 20. The class sang our ________ national anthem.
A) countrys
B) countrys'
C) country's
  • 21. The treaty helped both ________ citizens.
A) countrie's
B) countries
C) countries'
  • 22. The officer took the ________ statement.
A) witness's
B) witnesss
C) witnessss'
  • 23. All the _________ descriptions of the accident were the same.
A) witnessess
B) witnesses'
C) whitness
  • 24. The explosion broke the _______ window.
A) laboratoryies
B) laboritories'
C) laboratory's
  • 25. This is my oldest ______ room.
A) brother's
B) brothers
C) brothers'
  • 26. Both ________ experiments had the same result.
A) laboritorie's
B) laboratories'
C) laboritories
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