Freak the Mighty Quiz Chp 5-7
  • 1. Describe how Max feels when he goes to the pace in his head
A) He is sad and lonely; he feels he is the only person in the world
B) He is floating; it is cool and empty; he feels like nothing,like nobody
C) He is flying; he feels free and happy
D) He feels like he can do anything; he feels like he is somebody
  • 2. What was Gwen's relationship with Max's mother?
A) Max's mother and Gwen were enemies in high school
B) Gwen never knew Max's mother
C) Max's mother and Gwen were good friends before she got married
D) Max's mother and Gwen were sisters
  • 3. What does Gwen think of Max's father
A) Gwen thinks he should never get out of prison
B) Gwen thinks he is crazy and scary
C) Gwen thinks he is a lot of fun to be with
D) Gwen thinks he should be with Max
  • 4. People say that Max is the "spitting image" of his father. Why is it bad for Max to look like his father?
A) Everyone in town knows his father is in prison and why
B) People always stare at him
C) His father is scary-looking
D) His father's picture is on a "wanted" poster
  • 5. Why does Max cry like a baby when he goes to bed after having dinner with Freak and Gwen?
A) Max cries because he is afraid of Freak
B) Max cries because he is happy
C) Max cries because Gram told him he could not play with Freak again
D) Max cries because Gwen told him he looks just like his father
  • 6. What happens to Max and Freak when they are walking to the millpond to see the fireworks?
A) They are stopped band harassed by Tony D. and his gang
B) They find money on the street and stop to buy candy
C) They get lost and miss the fireworks
D) Max falls down and lands on Freak, hurting his leg
  • 7. Identify Blade
A) Blade is Tony D.; he is seventeen and has been to juvenile court three or four times
B) Blade is the name of King Arthur's sword
C) Blade is a nickname for Killer Kane, Max's father
D) Blade is the nickname for Iggy, the leader of the Pinheads
  • 8. Why does Max put Freak on his shoulders at the fireworks display?
A) Max puts Freak on his shoulders when Freak gets tired
B) Max puts Freak on his shoulders so Freak can see the fireworks
C) Max puts Freak on his shoulders so people won't step on him
D) Max puts Freak on his shoulders so Freak can see where Blade and his gang are
  • 9. Describe what happens to Freak and Max after the fireworks?
A) Max and Freak are chased home by Tony D. and his gang
B) Tony D. and his gang chase Freak and Max, but because Freak is on Max's shoulders he can direct Max into the millpond, where they escape but get stuck in the mud
C) Max and Freak go to the soda shop because fireworks make Max thirsty, but Tony D. and his gang won't let them go in
D) Tony D. and his gang catch Max and Freak at the millpond and throw them into the water
  • 10. How do Freak and Max get out of the pond after escaping from Tony D. and his gang?
A) Freak whistles loudly to get the attention of the police. They use ropes to pull Max out
B) The police call the fire department, and they use ladders to get Freak and Max out
C) Max pulls loose from the mud and walks back to shore
D) Freak swims to shore, and Max walks to shore
  • 11. After rescuing Freak and Max from the pond muck, who does the cop say Max is?
A) The cop says Max is a trouble maker
B) The cop says he is Kenny (Killer) Kane's boy
C) The cop says Max is a hoodlum
D) The cop says Max is Gram's grandson
  • 12. When the police officers ask for the boy's names after rescuing them, what name does Kevin give the police?
A) Max the Great
B) Freak the Mighty
C) Mighty Max
D) Freak the Man
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