Test on House Bill 5 and Business & Industry
  • 1. While HB5 has brought many changes, the most notable include revising the number of state high school end-of-course assessment from 16 to ________ and replacing the Distinguished Achievement, Recommended and minimum Graduation Plans with the _________ High School Program.
A) 15 and Foundation
B) 10 and Foundation
C) None Mentioned.
D) 5 and Foundation
  • 2. You can choose from the following five endorsement areas: Arts and Humanities, Business & Industry, _______ ________, STEM or Multidisciplinary.
A) None Mentioned.
B) Public Services
C) Private Services
D) Mentored Services
  • 3. Regardless of which endorsement you choose, you are still required to take _____ credits of Foundation courses consisting of four credits in English Language Arts, three credits in Math, _______ credits in Science , three credits in Social Studies, two credits in languages other than English, one credit in Fine Arts, one credit in Physical Education and five elective credits.
A) 22 and 4
B) 26 and 3
C) 26 and 4
D) 22 and 3
  • 4. So in total you will take the 22 Foundation Graduation Plan Credits and then __________ more credits in your endorsement area to earn a total of _____ credits.
A) 4 and 26
B) 4 and 22
C) 3 and 22
D) 3 and 26
  • 5. The Public Services Endorsement includes the Education and Training; Health Science; ________ __________; Government and Public Administration; and Law; Public Safety, Corrections and Security clusters.
A) Finance
B) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
C) Human Services
D) Marketing Sales & Service
  • 6. The Multidisciplinary Endorsement allows you to pick courses from multiple endorsement areas so it can apply to any of the 16 Career Clusters.
A) Multiple
B) None Mentioned.
C) Single
  • 7. The ___________ ____ __________ Endorsement area includes a variety of specialization areas within the world of work such as Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; Architecture and Construction; Arts A/V Technology and Communications; Business Management and Administration; Marketing, Sales and Service; Finance, Hospitality and Tourism; Information Technology; Manufacturing and Transportation and Distribution.
A) Arts & Humanities
B) Public Services
C) Science, Technology, Engineering,m & Mathematics
D) Business & Industry
  • 8. First, you must complete the _______ credits of Foundation courses consisting of four credits in English Language Arts, three credits in Math, three credits in Science, three credits in Social Studies, two credits in languages other than English, one credit in Fine Arts, one credit in Physical Education and five Elective Credits.
A) 26
B) 25
C) 24
D) 22
  • 9. For the _________ Plan, she had to complete the required 22 credits.
A) Foundation
B) Endorsement
C) Distinguished
D) None Mentioned.
  • 10. The four credits which she chose to take for her endorsement were ________ as the additional Math Course, Food Service as the additional Science course and Culinary Arts and Culinary Arts twp for the additional elective credits.
A) Algebra 2
B) Physics
C) Statistics
D) Chemistry
  • 11. By completing this degree plan with the Distinguished Level Of Achievement and by passing all five of the state End-of-Course exams, Allison is eligible for admission to any public university within the state of Texas if she is in the top _______ percent of her graduating class.
A) 20
B) 10
C) 15
D) 5
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