Egypt independent of foreign domination
  • 1. What was the name of the last king of Egypt before independence?
A) Farouk I
B) Tutankhamun
C) Hatshepsut
D) Cleopatra
  • 2. Which iconic project was initiated under President Nasser's rule as a symbol of Egypt's independence?
A) Luxor Temple
B) Suez Canal
C) Aswan High Dam
D) Pyramids of Giza
  • 3. In what year did Egypt officially become a republic?
A) 1960
B) 1953
C) 1956
D) 1948
  • 4. Which neighboring country also gained independence around the same time as Egypt?
A) Saudi Arabia
B) Libya
C) Israel
D) Sudan
  • 5. Which Egyptian city was the de facto capital of the United Arab Republic with Syria?
A) Luxor
B) Cairo
C) Alexandria
D) Aswan
  • 6. Who succeeded Gamal Abdel Nasser as President of Egypt?
A) Hosni Mubarak
B) Anwar Sadat
C) Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
D) Mohamed Morsi
  • 7. Who was the first woman to be appointed as a minister in Egypt, serving under Nasser's presidency?
A) Hikmat Abu Zayd
B) Queen Nefertiti
C) Cleopatra
D) Hatshepsut
  • 8. Which canal was nationalized by Egypt in 1956, leading to the Suez Crisis?
A) Erie Canal
B) Suez Canal
C) Panama Canal
D) Kiel Canal
  • 9. Which country provided military and financial support to Egypt during the Suez Crisis?
A) United States
B) Soviet Union
C) France
D) United Kingdom
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