Adolph Hitler becomes dictator after coup
  • 1. Who became dictator of Germany after a coup?
A) Joseph Stalin
B) Benito Mussolini
C) Adolf Hitler
D) Winston Churchill
  • 2. What was the name of Hitler's autobiography?
A) Animal Farm
B) Mein Kampf
C) The Communist Manifesto
D) The Prince
  • 3. What event allowed Hitler to consolidate power and become dictator?
A) Kristallnacht
B) Reichstag Fire
C) Beer Hall Putsch
D) Munich Agreement
  • 4. Which treaty did Hitler violate to militarize the Rhineland?
A) Treaty of Trianon
B) Locarno Treaties
C) Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
D) Versailles Treaty
  • 5. What was the propaganda ministry in Nazi Germany called?
A) Ministry of Information
B) Ministry of Culture
C) Ministry of Truth
D) Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
  • 6. Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with which country before invading Poland?
A) Italy
B) Soviet Union
C) France
D) United Kingdom
  • 7. What was the Anschluss?
A) Invasion of Czechoslovakia
B) Annexation of Austria
C) Occupation of Denmark
D) Attack on Poland
  • 8. Which concentration camp was used as a model for the other camps?
A) Treblinka
B) Buchenwald
C) Dachau
D) Auschwitz
  • 9. What was the German air force called under Hitler?
A) Luftwaffe
B) Kriegsmarine
C) Panzer Corps
D) Wehrmacht
  • 10. Who was the head of the SS and Gestapo during Hitler's rule?
A) Erich Raeder
B) Hermann Göring
C) Joseph Goebbels
D) Heinrich Himmler
  • 11. What event marked the start of World War II in Europe?
A) Invasion of Poland
B) Battle of Stalingrad
C) Blitzkrieg in France
D) Pearl Harbor
  • 12. What was the name of the plan to invade the Soviet Union?
A) Operation Barbarossa
B) Operation Overlord
C) Operation Torch
D) Operation Market Garden
  • 13. Who was the British Prime Minister during much of World War II?
A) Tony Blair
B) Winston Churchill
C) Neville Chamberlain
D) Margaret Thatcher
  • 14. What was the code name for the Normandy landings in 1944?
A) Operation Sea Lion
B) Operation Overlord
C) Operation Barbarossa
D) Operation Market Garden
  • 15. When was the Reichstag Fire, the event that Hitler used as a pretext to seize dictatorial powers?
A) 1933
B) 1929
C) 1940
D) 1938
  • 16. Who held the title of President of Germany before Hitler assumed dictatorial powers?
A) Joseph Goebbels
B) Winston Churchill
C) Paul von Hindenburg
D) Benito Mussolini
  • 17. Which political party did Hitler represent when he became dictator?
A) Nazi Party
B) Communist Party
C) Socialist Party
D) Christian Democratic Union
  • 18. Who was Hitler's close associate and deputy in the early years of Nazi Party?
A) Joseph Goebbels
B) Heinrich Himmler
C) Hermann Göring
D) Rudolf Hess
  • 19. Which organization within the Nazi Party was responsible for enforcing loyalty and suppressing dissent?
A) Hitler Youth
B) SS (Schutzstaffel)
C) SA (Sturmabteilung)
D) Gestapo
  • 20. What was the name of the air raid campaign by Germany against Britain during World War II?
A) Pearl Harbor
B) Operation Neptune
C) The Blitz
D) Battle of Britain
  • 21. Which country did Hitler invade in 1940, leading to the evacuation of British and Allied forces from Dunkirk?
A) Poland
B) Belgium
C) France
D) Netherlands
  • 22. In what year did the Munich Agreement allow Hitler to peacefully annex part of Czechoslovakia?
A) 1936
B) 1938
C) 1941
D) 1939
  • 23. Which conference in 1942 finalized the logistics of the 'Final Solution' to the 'Jewish Question'?
A) Casablanca Conference
B) Yalta Conference
C) Wannsee Conference
D) Potsdam Conference
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