2nd grade goods and services
  • 1. Video games are considered to be:
A) a service
B) a good
  • 2. Getting a haircut is considered to be:
A) a good
B) a service
  • 3. Going to the doctor is called a:
A) good
B) service
  • 4. Books would be called a:
A) service
B) good
  • 5. Going to the nurse is called a:
A) service
B) good
  • 6. Mrs. Pomeroy is a teacher which would be called a:
A) service
B) good
  • 7. Houses would be considered to be
A) goods
B) services
  • 8. Cars, vans and trucks are called a
A) service
B) good
  • 9. People who put out fires would be a
A) service
B) good
  • 10. Apples and oranges are
A) services
B) goods
  • 11. Plumbers who fix pipes provide a
A) service
B) good
  • 12. When my dog is sick, we take her to the vet which would be a
A) good
B) service
  • 13. Toys that I buy my granddaughter would be a
A) service
B) good
  • 14. When I babysit, I provide a
A) service
B) good
  • 15. The cook in the cafeteria provide a
A) service
B) good
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