HUMAN RIGHTS refers to the recognition that all people should have the opportunity to meet their basic needs and wants. What human right is being violated in the followingpictures? freedom ofpress ? freedom ofassembly ? freedom of speech ? HISTORY OF HUMAN RIGHTS MAGNA CARTA -signed by -the Magna Carta signed a document that guarantees the right of the church to be free from interference, the right of all free citizens to own and inherit property & to be protected from excessive taxes, and the rights to due process and equality before the law. Latin: The Great Charter of Liberties -PETITION OF RIGHT - instituted in HISTORY OF HUMAN RIGHTS -a result of people's resentment against King policies to tax peopleunnecessarily, confiscate private space & property & to arrest citizens arbitrarily. HISTORY OF HUMAN RIGHTS -4 IMPORTANT RIGHTS WERE ASKED FOR: 1. Citizens should not be unnecessarily.2. No citizen could be unlawfully and without cause. 3. The state could not impose in times of peace. 4. The government could not impose on the citizensthe burden of accomodating in their homes soldiersand those working for the military's state agencies. -PETITION OF RIGHT HISTORICAL EVENTS WHICH FIRST DEFINED CONSTITUTIONS BASED ON THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS AmericanRevolution ? French Revolution ? freedom of assembly freedom to rest and leisure Which of the following are included in therights and privileges of citizens in the 1776 American Constitution? freedom of speech freedom of religion "Liberty, property, security and resistance from oppression aremen's " DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF MEN The United Nations was instrumental codifying the rights of individuals across This was instituted in response to the large-scale damages caused by For the first time in history, human rights are now considered The codified document was titled the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ? UNITED NATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS the world. ? universal. ? World War II. ? *INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL & POLITICAL RIGHTS *INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATIONOF ALL FORMS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION *INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATIONOF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN*INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD UN TREATIES: *INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL & CULTURAL RIGHTS the right to jointrade unions of his choice ? the right to fair wages ? ECONOMIC RIGHTS the right to work ? the right to marriage with consent ? the right to good health ? the right to education ? SOCIAL RIGHTS the right to enjoy benefits of scientificprogress ? the right totake part in cultural life. ? CULTURAL RIGHTS protection from discrimination right to free speech right to life right to choose religion right to dictate religion right to movement right to safety CIVIL RIGHTS right to due process right to a fair trial right to assembly POLITICAL RIGHTS right to vote right to petition right to kill right to repression right to torture WHAT TYPE OF HUMAN RIGHT DOES THIS VIOLATE? WHAT TYPE OF HUMAN RIGHT DOES THIS VIOLATE? WHAT TYPE OF HUMAN RIGHT DOES THIS VIOLATE? |