AIC SS 2 History Exam for 3rd Term 2022/23
  • 1. 1. _____ was awarded the gold medal of the Royal Geographical Society in 1832
A) Thomas Hobbes
B) Clipperton
C) John Lander
D) Richard Lander
  • 2. 2. Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds that _____
A) The government should allow citizen participate in decision making
B) The British should extend their administration
C) The nation should be congruent with the state
D) The colonial master should educate Africans
  • 3. 3. The dispute that flared up as a rebel of Disagreement between 2 market women over 5 cowries was _____
A) Ibadan-Ijaye war
B) Owu-Ife war
C) Ekiti-parapo war
D) Egba Dahomey war
  • 4. 4. The Ibadan-Ijaye war broke out in ____
A) 1861
B) 1855
C) 1961
D) 1851
  • 5. 5. ____ was a Scottish explore who explored the Upper Niger River around 1796
A) Mungo Park
B) Richardson
C) David Lemon
D) Richard Lander
  • 6. 6. The capital city of Ghana empire was at ____
A) Niger River
B) Cameroon
C) Koumbi Saleh
D) Kebbi Salem
  • 7. 7. The main source of wealth for the Ghana empire was ______
A) Sculpture and painting
B) Mining of iron and gold
C) Mining of gold and crafts
D) Beads and metal work
  • 8. 8. The reason for Oranmiyan and his brothers raid on their northern neighbors was _____
A) They attack their empire
B) They capture their father Oduduwa
C) They insulted their father Obatala
D) They insulted their father Oduduwa
  • 9. 9. The fall of Oyo empire include the following except ____
A) Death of the Alaafin
B) Size of the empire
C) Restive vassal states
D) Weak leadership
  • 10. 10. Egba Dahomey war broke out between Egba and Dahomey over ____
A) Government power
B) Who to crown as the King
C) Territorial expansion
D) How to make the old Oyo refugees slave
  • 11. 11. The first set of christian missionary to find their way down to West Africa were the ______
A) German
B) Senegalese
C) Scottish
D) Portuguese
  • 12. 12. In 1845, _____ visited Benin with the purpose to ______
A) Roman Catholics, to educate Africa about their plans
B) John Aguero, to bring Nigeria government together
C) John boa, to build Africas knowledge in technology
D) Joa Affonso D'Aveiro, to evangelize West Africa people about Christianity
  • 13. 13. One of the following is the reason for the coming of the European missions to West Africa
A) To help Africa fights bad government
B) To divide Africa into segments
C) The eradication of inhuman practices by Africans
D) To employ Nigerian to their various organizations
  • 14. 14. Samuel Ajayi Crowther was born in the year _____
A) 1909
B) 1928
C) 1809
D) 1829
  • 15. 15. Samuel Ajayi Crowther was a Yoruba _____
A) Professor and Linguist
B) Linguist, Clergyman
C) Preacher and Educationist
D) Interpreter and Foreman
  • 16. 16. Crowther and his family were captured by ______ in ______ year
A) Fulani Travelers in 1829
B) Fulani Slave raiders in 1821
C) Fulani herdsmen in 1835
D) Hausa Traders in 1831
  • 17. 17. Fourah Bay College is a public University in the neighborhood of ______ in _____ country
A) South Carolina in United States
B) Mount Aureole in Freetown, Sierra Leone
C) Mount Vernon in Freetown, Sierra Leone
D) San Francisco in Los Angeles, Germany
  • 18. 18 was founded on ______
A) 17th April, 1829
B) 18th April, 1827
C) 17th February, 1829
D) 18th February, 1827
  • 19. 19. Fourah Bay College was supported by the governor of Sierra Leone in person of _____
A) David MacCarthy
B) Charles MacCarthy
C) Richard Davidson
D) Charles Dorathy
  • 20. 20. The first black principal of the University was ____
A) Reverend Joseph Jones
B) Elder David John
C) Bishop Edward John
D) Reverend Edward Jones
  • 21. 21. The Benin traded in the following tropical products
A) Bronze, palm oil and crude oil
B) Ivory, pepper and palm oil
C) Ship, pepper and diamond
D) Ivory, beads and clothes
  • 22. 22. Not long after the Benin contact with the British in 1553, the Oba of Benin started to suspect them of having larger motives, he therefore _____
A) Shut down communication with them
B) They were punished by the Oba
C) They were all jailed and killed by the Oba
D) Command the Benin forces to attack them
  • 23. 23. The slave trade existed from ____ to ____ centuries
A) 16th to 20th
B) 13th to 17th
C) 16th to 19th
D) 11th to 15th
  • 24. 24. The slaves transported to the Americas were sold to work on all the following except one
A) Tobacco
B) Cotton plantation
C) Gold and silver mines
D) Oil milling
  • 25. 25. All the following except one is not among the origin of Slave Trade
A) Triangular trade
B) European expansion
C) Portuguese exploration
D) European's migration
  • 26. 26. The full meaning of NDDC is ____
A) Niger Delta Development Commission
B) Niger Delta Directorates Committee
C) Niger Delta Development Council
D) Niger Delta District Council
  • 27. 27. An organization that represents the interests of various ethnic groups in the Niger Delta is _____
  • 28. 28. The society in the Niger Delta was organized into various _____
A) Districts
B) Pressure groups
C) Ethnic groups
D) Local government
  • 29. 29. Before the arrival of Europeans, palm oil production and trade in the Niger Delta were primarily conducted by _____
A) Local communities
B) Social communities
C) Community chiefs
D) Government
  • 30. 30. After Jaja gained his freedom, he rose to become a successful ____
A) Influential and great politician
B) Writer and Publisher
C) Businessman and leader
D) Businessman and activist
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