Computer Quiz
  • 1. What three keys to you press to log onto the computer?
A) alt + spacebar + enter
B) alt + shift + delete
C) ctrl + alt + delete
D) win + alt + end
  • 2. If the computer is asleep, what do you you do to wake it up?
A) turn the monitor on
B) tap a key on the keyboard
C) wiggle the mouse or tap a key on the keyboard
D) wiggle the mouse
E) yell at it (You better not pick this one...)
  • 3. Do we ever turn the monitor off at the end of class?
A) Yes
B) No
  • 4. Which of these things is not something you should do at the end of technology class?
A) Log off
B) Put your name tag in the chair pocket
C) Put your headphones on your monitor
D) Push your chair in
E) Mute the computer speakers
  • 5. What are the options when you click on the "Shutdown" tab?
A) all programs, calculator, and my documents
B) Microsoft Word, IE and Chrome
C) switch user, log off, lock, restart and sleep
D) help and support, file options
  • 6. Explain two different ways that you can log off of the computer.
  • 7. What is the difference between restarting the computer and shutting down the computer?
  • 8. What color is the monitor button when the computer is asleep?
A) Orange
B) Blue
C) Purple
D) White
  • 9. What color is the monitor button when the computer is awake?
A) Blue
B) White
C) Orange
D) Purple
  • 10. What color is the power button when the computer is on?
A) Blue
B) White
C) Orange
D) Purple
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