• 1. It is the largest organic functional unit within a large department it comprises of numbers of division
A) Section
B) Unit
C) Division
D) Bureau
  • 2. A length of streets designated for patrol purposes it is also called line beat
A) Beat
B) Route
C) Area
D) District
  • 3. Part of branch havering a department wide function
A) Branch
B) Sector
C) Division
  • 4. Primarily this principle provides for the vertical movement of authority up and down established channels in the organizational hierarchy
A) Delegation of responsibility and authority
B) Span control
C) Unity of command
D) Chain of command
  • 5. The number of officers or unit reporting directly to the supervisor should not exceed the number that can be feasibly and effectively coordinate and directed
A) Objective
B) Delegation of responsibility and authority
C) Chain of command
D) Span of control
  • 6. Police department is always divided according to the level of authority those there will be some surgent the lieutenant and so on
A) According to function
B) According to place of work
C) According to level of authority
D) According to time frame
  • 7. The forest should be organized primarily according to the nature of task to be performed
A) According to level of authority
B) According to function
C) According to time frame
D) According to place of work
  • 8. A territorial distribution of platoon accomplish by assigning patrolman to beat
A) According to level of authority
B) According to place of work
C) According to function
D) According to time frame
  • 9. Unit are divided into shift or watches according to time of day
A) According to time frame
B) According to place of work
C) According to level of authority
D) According to function
  • 10. The period when officer is actively engaged on the performance on his duty
A) Leave of absence
B) Off duty
C) On duty
D) Special duty
  • 11. The nature of which the police officer is free from specific routine duty
A) Special duty
B) On duty
C) Leave of absence
D) Off duty
  • 12. What is the old term of DILG
A) Department of interior
B) Department of local interior
C) Government of local interior
D) Department of interior and local
  • 13. It is an act establishing the philippine national police under a reorganized department of the interior and local government and for other purposes
A) Republic act no. 6975
B) Republic act no 9211
C) Republic act no 9346
D) Republic act no 11648
  • 14. Who appoint the head of DILG
A) Chairman
B) Secretary
C) President
D) Captain
  • 15. What is the length of police official may be appointed as secretary from the date of his retirement or resignation
A) 1 year
B) 2 years
C) 9 months
D) 6 months
  • 16. The following are the power and function of the commission except
A) Maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure public safety
B) Issue licenses for the position of firearms and explosive in ordinance with law
C) Enforce all and ordinance relative to the protection of lives and property
D) A member of the philippine bar or holder of a master degree in public administration business administration management and other related discipline
  • 17. What is the second in command of the PNP
A) Lieutenant-general
B) Deputy chief of the PNP for administrations
C) Secretary
D) Deputy chief the PNP for Operation
  • 18. The length of chief of the pnp serve term of office
A) 5 years term
B) 3 years term
C) 4 years term
D) 6 years term
  • 19. What is the minimum manning level of PNP
A) 1 person in 100 policeman
B) 1 is to 1000
C) 1 policeman in 2500 person
D) 1 policeman in every 1000 person
  • 20. Who recommend to the president the member of NAPOLCOM
A) Captain
B) Lieutenant general
C) Chairman
D) General
  • 21. What is the rank to be a point as municipal chief of PNP
A) Lieutenant
B) General
C) Captain
D) Police senior inspector
  • 22. Under the administrative support unit headed by a director when the rank of chief superintendent it shall be responsible for the procurement distribution and management of all logistical requirements of the pnp including firearms and ammunition
A) Civil security unit
B) Logistic unit
C) Finance unit
D) Computer center unit
  • 23. Headed by a director with the rank of chief superintendent it is responsible for establishing and effective police communication network
A) Finance center
B) Communication unit
C) Computer center
D) Logistic unit
  • 24. It provides scientific and technical investigative aid and support to the pnp and other government investigative agencies
A) Logistic unit
B) Crime laboratory
C) Civil security unit
D) Finance center
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