World War I Post-Assessment
  • 1. What year did World War I start?
A) 1939
B) 1914
C) 1902
D) 1924
  • 2. Whose assassination served as the spark that started World War I?
A) President McKinley
B) Emperor Franz Joseph
C) Czar Alexander I
D) Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • 3. What were the two main alliance groups fighting against each other during WWI?
A) The Central Powers and the Axis Powers
B) The Allied Powers and the Axis Powers
C) The Central Powers and the Quadruple Alliance
D) The Allied Powers and the Central Powers
  • 4. Which of the following countries all fought together as Allied Powers during World War I?
A) Great Britain, France, Russia, and the United States
B) Bulgaria, Germany and Great Britain
C) Germany, Russia and the United States
D) Great Britain, Ottoman Empire and Russia
  • 5. Which of the following were Central Powers during World War I?
A) Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, and Germany
B) France, Great Britain and Russia
C) Germany, Russia and Serbia
D) Bulgaria, France and Great Britain
  • 6. Who was the President of the United States during WWI?
A) Franklin D Roosevelt
B) David Lloyd George
C) Woodrow Wilson
D) John F Kennedy
  • 7. What term best describes the fighting along the Western Front during World War I?
A) nuclear warfare
B) civil warfare
C) guerrilla warfare
D) trench warfare
  • 8. What was the only continent that did not have a nation involved in World War I?
A) North America
B) Europe
C) Asia
D) Antarctica
  • 9. Which alliance of countries is considered the victor in WWI?
A) The Central Powers
B) The Allied Powers
  • 10. When was the armistice signed that ended the fighting in WWI?
A) December 25, 1939
B) November 3, 1945
C) December 24, 1915
D) November 11, 1918
  • 11. What treaty was signed by the Allied Powers and Germany which officially brought an end to WWI?
A) Treaty of Versailles
B) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
C) Treaty of Munich
D) Treaty of Berlin
  • 12. Which of the following technological innovations was first used during World War I?
A) Rifle
B) Submarine
C) Poison Gas
D) Airplane
  • 13. What was the British passenger ship sunk by a German U-boat during World War I?
A) Titanic
B) Britannica
C) Bismarck
D) Lusitania
  • 14. Who was the German foreign secretary who allegedly sent a telegram urging Mexico to declare war on the United States?
A) Schlieffin
B) Zimmerman
C) Otto von Bismarck
D) Wilhelm II
  • 15. Which of the Allied Powers was the only nation to surrender to a Central Power during World War I?
A) England
B) Belgium
C) Russia
D) France
  • 16. The US President's list of ideas to solve the problems that lead to WWI and create lasting peace were called...
A) The Zimmerman Note
B) The Schlieffin Plan
C) The Entente
D) The Fourteen Points
  • 17. What nation did the Allied Powers (with the exception of the United States) blame for World War I?
A) Germany
B) Russia
C) Serbia
D) Bosnia
  • 18. Who did Austria-Hungary declare war against to start World War I?
A) Serbia
B) Britain
C) Russia
D) France
  • 19. The policy of building up a strong army & navy to prepare for war is called...
A) Armistice
B) Militarism
C) Imperialism
D) Nationalism
  • 20. What nation felt threatened by the spread of nationalism in the Balkans region?
A) Great Britain
B) Russia
C) Austria-Hungary
D) Germany
  • 21. What nation supported the spread of nationalism in the Balkans region?
A) Germany
B) Great Britain
C) Russia
D) Austria-Hungary
  • 22. Who were the 3 members of the pre-war alliance called the Triple Entente?
A) Great Britain, Russia, Italy
B) France, Russia, and Germany
C) France, Russia, and Great Britain
D) Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia
  • 23. What nation supported Serbia in their conflict with Austria-Hungary?
A) Italy
B) Germany
C) Great Britain
D) Russia
  • 24. What nation declared war on Germany as a result of the German invasion of France through neutral Belgium?
A) Austria-Hungary
B) Great Britain
C) United States
D) Russia
  • 25. What nation did Austria-Hungary and Germany fight on the Eastern Front during World War I?
A) Great Britain
B) Russia
C) Bulgaria
D) France
  • 26. Who were the 3 members of the pre-war alliance called the Triple Alliance?
A) Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy
B) Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia
C) Germany, Russia, and France
D) Great Britain, Russia, and France
  • 27. Who was the leader of Germany during World War I?
A) Emperor Franz Josef
B) Tsar Nicholas II
C) Kaiser Wilhelm II
D) Otto von Bismarck
  • 28. Which of the Fourteen Points was included in the Treaty of Versailles?
A) League of Nations
B) Freedom of the seas
C) Reducing the size of national armies and navies
D) Removing all economic barriers to trade
  • 29. The new nation that was carved out of Southeastern Austria-Hungary as a part of the peace treaty ending the war was
A) Yugoslavia
B) Belarus
C) Serbia
D) Poland
  • 30. What term would best describe the British discovery of the Zimmerman Telegram and its revelation to the United States?
A) Propaganda
B) Entente
C) Rationing
D) Imperialism
  • 31. What territory did France regain from Germany after World War I?
A) Luxembourg
B) Alsace-Lorraine
C) Belgium
D) The Rhineland
  • 32. The Treaty of Versailles resulted in all of the following EXCEPT...
A) The return of Alsace-Lorraine to France
B) Germany's loss of its overseas possessions.
C) Italy's loss of German-speaking areas in the Alps
D) German payment of reparations
  • 33. The battle line between France and Germany was called the _____________.
A) Western Front
B) Eastern Front
C) Atlantic Front
D) Pacific Front
  • 34. When did the United States declare war on Germany?
A) April 6, 1917
B) November 11, 1918
C) July 4, 1914
D) June 25, 1914
  • 35. Which country left the Triple Alliance to join the Allies during WWI?
A) Italy
B) Bulgaria
C) Ottoman Empire
D) Russia
  • 36. Who was the leader of the US military during WWI?
A) General George S. Patton
B) General John J. Pershing
C) General Dwight D. Eisenhower
D) General Douglas MacArthur
  • 37. What was the name of Germany's battle plan to take out France first and then attack Russia.
A) Blitzkrieg
B) Bismarck Plan
C) Schlieffen Plan
D) Zimmerman Plan
  • 38. The area nicknamed the "Powder Keg of Europe" because Russia, Austria, and the Ottoman Empire all had interests there.
A) Balkan Peninsular
B) Italy
C) Germany
D) Bulgaria
  • 39. The territory in which the Archduke was assassinated was...
A) Herzegovina
B) Bohemia
C) Austria
D) Bosnia
  • 40. The largest nation to fight in WWI was...
A) Russia
B) Germany
C) France
D) China
  • 41. The German ships that sank many Allied ships were __________.
A) Caravels
B) Aircraft Carriers
C) U-boats
D) Dreadnoughts
  • 42. The tracked machines that were invented during WWI that could cover all types of terrain and protect infantry were called _________.
A) U-boats
B) Humvees
C) Tanks
D) Jeeps
  • 43. When governments established limits for civilians on goods that were in short supply, this was called __________.
A) rationing
B) conscription
C) hoarding
D) couponing
  • 44. One-sided information that aims to convince people of a certain point of view is called _______________.
A) Yellow Journalism
B) Libel
C) Red Journalism
D) Propaganda
  • 45. The British nurse executed by the Germans in Belgium was
A) Florence Nightingale
B) Jane A. Delano
C) Edith Cavell
D) Lillian D. Wald
  • 46. Prior to entering World War I, the U.S. maintained a foreign policy of _______________.
A) Isolationism
B) Appeasement
C) Imperialism
D) Interventionism
  • 47. Which country declared war on France and Russia at the beginning of August, 1914.
A) Austria-Hungary
B) Great Britain
C) Germany
D) Serbia
  • 48. Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWI?
A) Winston Churchill
B) George Clemenceau
C) David Lloyd George
D) Woodrow Wilson
  • 49. Who was the Prime Minister of France during WWI?
A) George Clemenceau
B) Woodrow Wilson
C) David Lloyd George
D) Wilhelm I
  • 50. An agreement between nations to aid and protect one another is called a(n)
A) Alliance
B) Coalition
C) Squad
D) Club
  • 51. Extreme pride in, or devotion to one's nation.
A) Militarism
B) Conscription
C) Imperialism
D) Nationalism
  • 52. When one country takes over another country economically and politically.
A) Imperialism
B) Nationalism
C) Alliance
D) Militarism
  • 53. What country in the Balkans region was encouraging Slavic national groups in the Austrian Empire to break away from Austria and join them as part of a United Slavic nation.
A) Greece
B) Romania
C) Serbia
D) Bulgaria
  • 54. What is the acronym used to remember the causes of WWI?
  • 55. What was the most important factor in the decision of the US to join WWI?
A) The sinking of 3 US ships by U-boats in February 1917
B) Sinking of the Lusitania
C) Zimmerman Note
D) Trial of Edith Cavell
  • 56. The Battle on the Western front September 1914, in which the German advance into France was halted and each nation began building trenches
A) The Battle of Verdun
B) The Battle of the Somme
C) The Battle of the Marne
D) The Battle of Tannenberg
  • 57. The Battle that caused the single worst day for deaths and casualties in British military history.
A) The Battle of the Somme
B) The Battle of the Marne
C) The Battle of Verdun
D) The Battle of Tannenberg
  • 58. Describe the causes of World War I in detail ( what does M.A.N.I.A.C stand for?) and indicate what nations played a role in causing the war.
  • 59. What were the alliance systems in Pre-War Europe, how did these alliances change during WWI?
  • 60. What were the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles? Do you think it was a fair treaty? Please explain why or why not.
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