Schönbrunn Palace
  • 1. In which European city is Schönbrunn Palace located?
A) Vienna
B) Berlin
C) Prague
D) Paris
  • 2. How many rooms are there in Schönbrunn Palace?
A) 500
B) 700
C) 2,000
D) 1,441
  • 3. What UNESCO status does Schönbrunn Palace have?
A) Historic Landmark
B) Natural Wonder
C) Cultural Monument
D) World Heritage Site
  • 4. Which empress was born in Schönbrunn Palace?
A) Queen Victoria
B) Maria Theresa
C) Isabella I of Castile
D) Catherine the Great
  • 5. What is the name of the ballroom in Schönbrunn Palace used for important events?
A) Majestic Court
B) Great Gallery
C) Royal Dance Hall
D) Splendid Ballroom
  • 6. What is the name of the hill behind Schönbrunn Palace offering panoramic views of Vienna?
A) Gloriette
B) Eagle's Nest
C) Liberty Hill
D) Capitol Hill
  • 7. What is the name of Schönbrunn Palace's oldest zoo, located within the grounds?
A) Animal Kingdom
B) Wildlife Reserve
C) Tiergarten Schönbrunn
D) Zoological Gardens
  • 8. On which street in Vienna is the entrance to Schönbrunn Palace located?
A) Schönbrunner Schloßstraße
B) Mariahilfer Straße
C) Ringstraße
D) Kärntner Straße
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