A) sportsmanship B) appreciation C) salary D) modest
A) restless B) courageous C) valuable D) modest
A) courageous B) appreciation C) immigrants D) valuable
A) salary B) appreciation C) tremendous D) modest
A) courageous B) immigrants C) tremendous D) sportsmanship
A) salary B) valuable C) appreciation D) attentively
A) helpful B) salary C) tremendous D) courageous
A) tropical B) modest C) courageous D) appreciation
A) never missing a baseball game B) always playing first base C) never catching a fly ball D) always hitting a home run
A) is going to ruin his life B) isn't that good at baseball C) should stay at home and help her with the garden D) hate sports
A) He was a fast runner B) He kind of smelled bad C) He always did his best for the team D) He played each game, no matter what
A) Most Valuable Player B) Top manager C) Best hitter D) Most courageous human to ever walk the face of the Earth.
A) couldn't find his way to practice B) couldn't hit the ball C) took extra batting practice. D) wanted to leave the team
A) He didn't want the team to suffer because of his illness B) He wanted a higher salary C) He didn't want to play with the Yankees anymore D) He didn't think his teammates were playing very well.
A) He couldn't hit or field B) He felt weak and tired C) He didn't want to play anymore D) He had no excuses
A) sitting in the stands and cheering for his team B) taking the lineup card to the umpire C) yelling at the umpire D) helping pick out snappy uniforms for his teammates
A) did not play a game B) call Mayor La Guardia C) gave him a special job D) retired his uniform and number
A) 1930s - 1940s B) 1920s - 1930s C) 1910 - 1930 D) 1940s - 1950s |