- 1. Who is the author of the Dada manifesto?
A) Man Ray B) Tristan Tzara C) Francis Picabia D) Marcel Duchamp
- 2. Which country did Tristan Tzara move to during World War I?
A) Switzerland B) France C) Italy D) Germany
- 3. Who founded the Cabaret Voltaire, where Tristan Tzara often performed?
A) Jean Arp B) Max Ernst C) Hans Arp D) Hugo Ball
- 4. Tristan Tzara wrote a play titled 'The Gas Heart' in which language?
A) French B) Spanish C) German D) English
- 5. Which visual artist collaborated with Tristan Tzara on a series of works called 'Rayographs'?
A) Pablo Picasso B) Salvador Dalí C) Man Ray D) Marcel Duchamp
- 6. What was the title of Tristan Tzara's autobiography?
A) The Wasteland B) Approximate Man C) The Metamorphosis D) Ulysses
- 7. What was Tristan Tzara’s real first name?
A) Tristan B) Marcel C) Samuel D) Sergei
- 8. What was the first name of Tristan Tzara’s wife?
A) Anna B) Greta C) Olga D) Sophie
- 9. In which year did Tristan Tzara pass away?
A) 1975 B) 1963 C) 1950 D) 1933
- 10. What was the name of the art and literary journal that Tristan Tzara founded in 1919?
A) Surrealism B) Futurism C) Dada D) Cubism