__ | 1. | alliteration | | A. | extreme exaggeration |
__ | 2. | assonance | | B. | comparing two objects or ideas without using "like" or "as". |
__ | 3. | figurative language | | C. | repetition of initial consonant sounds in a phrase |
__ | 4. | hyperbole | | D. | an object, animal, or idea is given human characteristics |
__ | 5. | idiom | | E. | language that appeals to all of our senses |
__ | 6. | imagery | | F. | comparing two unlike objects or ideas using "like" or "as" |
__ | 7. | metaphor | | G. | Saying one thing, but literally meaning something different |
__ | 8. | onomatopoeia | | H. | the use of a word or phrase to imitate sound |
__ | 9. | personification | | I. | language that uses images or language to make comparisons |
__ | 10. | simile | | J. | repetition of vowel sounds within all the words of a phrase |
__ | 11. | Analogies | | A. | when a person says one thing and means another |
__ | 12. | Flashback | | B. | intended meaning of words used has the opposite meanings |
__ | 13. | Foreshadowing | | C. | a play on words |
__ | 14. | Irony | | D. | the outcome of an event is the expected opposite |
__ | 15. | Mood | | E. | something concrete that stands for something abstract |
__ | 16. | Pun | | F. | the feeling created within a reader while reading |
__ | 17. | Situational Irony | | G. | attitude an author takes toward his subject and characters |
__ | 18. | Symbol | | H. | hints about events that occur later on in a story |
__ | 19. | Tone | | I. | story interrupted to tell of earlier events that happened |
__ | 20. | Verbal Irony | | J. | comparisons with connections |