Julius Caesar
  • 1. In which ancient city is the play set?
A) Athens
B) Rome
C) Carthage
D) Sparta
  • 2. Who warns Caesar to 'Beware the Ides of March'?
A) Brutus
B) Soothsayer
C) Cassius
D) Portia
  • 3. Who is Caesar's closest friend and betrayer?
A) Octavius
B) Mark Antony
C) Brutus
D) Cassius
  • 4. Which character convinces Brutus to join the conspiracy against Caesar?
A) Soothsayer
B) Caesar
C) Cassius
D) Mark Antony
  • 5. Who speaks the famous line 'Et tu, Brute?'
A) Caesar
B) Cassius
C) Brutus
D) Mark Antony
  • 6. Who forms the second triumvirate with Octavius and Lepidus?
A) Mark Antony
B) Brutus
C) Cassius
D) Caesar
  • 7. What do the conspirators stab Caesar with in the assassination scene?
A) Swords
B) Daggers
C) Spears
D) Knives
  • 8. Who is Caesar's wife in the play?
A) Calpurnia
B) Octavia
C) Portia
D) Cornelia
  • 9. How many acts are there in 'Julius Caesar'?
A) Five
B) Six
C) Four
D) Seven
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