The Citadel of Dinant
  • 1. Where is the Citadel of Dinant located?
A) Belgium
B) France
C) Germany
D) Spain
  • 2. What river does the Citadel of Dinant overlook?
A) Danube
B) Thames
C) Nile
D) Meuse
  • 3. When was the Citadel of Dinant constructed?
A) 11th century
B) 19th century
C) 21st century
D) 17th century
  • 4. Which famous military leader besieged the Citadel of Dinant in 1466?
A) Alexander the Great
B) Charles the Bold
C) Napoleon Bonaparte
D) Genghis Khan
  • 5. In which World War was the Citadel of Dinant heavily damaged?
A) World War I
B) Korean War
C) World War II
D) Vietnam War
  • 6. What is the view like from the top of the Citadel of Dinant?
A) Underground view of caverns
B) Close-up view of wildlife
C) Panoramic view of the river and town
D) Aerial view of surrounding cities
  • 7. What modern convenience is available for visitors to reach the Citadel of Dinant?
A) Horse-drawn carriage
B) Rowboat
C) Cable car
D) Helicopter
  • 8. What famous composer was born in Dinant, near the Citadel?
A) Adolphe Sax
B) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
C) Ludwig van Beethoven
D) Johann Sebastian Bach
  • 9. How high is the Citadel of Dinant above the river level?
A) 100 meters
B) 500 meters
C) 200 meters
D) 50 meters
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