  • 1. What is the capital of Sabah?
A) Kota Kinabalu
B) Tawau
C) Keningau
D) Sandakan
  • 2. Which country is Sabah located in?
A) Philippines
B) Brunei
C) Indonesia
D) Malaysia
  • 3. What is the highest mountain in Southeast Asia located in Sabah?
A) Mount Murud
B) Mount Kinabalu
C) Mount Tambuyukon
D) Mount Trusmadi
  • 4. What is the official language of Sabah?
A) Kadazan-Dusun
B) Chinese
C) Malay
D) English
  • 5. Which sea is Sabah bordered by?
A) South China Sea
B) Andaman Sea
C) Sulu Sea
D) Celebes Sea
  • 6. Sabah is known for its tropical ________.
A) grasslands
B) tundras
C) rainforests
D) deserts
  • 7. What is the traditional dance of the Kadazan-Dusun people in Sabah?
A) Zapin
B) Sumazau
C) Inang
D) Joget
  • 8. Sabah was known as 'North Borneo' during the period of British colonial rule. When did it become part of Malaysia?
A) 1963
B) 1945
C) 1990
D) 1975
  • 9. Sabah is home to the _____ national park, known for its biodiversity.
A) Bako
B) Gunung Mulu
C) Taman Negara
D) Kinabalu
  • 10. The economy of Sabah is largely based on _________.
A) oil and gas
B) manufacturing
C) tourism
D) agriculture
  • 11. Which of the following is a famous diving destination in Sabah?
A) Tioman
B) Sipadan
C) Langkawi
D) Redang
  • 12. Which festival in Sabah is a celebration of the Kadazan-Dusun harvest and culture?
A) Awal Muharram
B) Thaipusam
C) Kaamatan
D) Gawai Dayak
  • 13. What is the traditional musical instrument of the Kadazan people in Sabah?
A) Gendang
B) Angklung
C) Sompoton
D) Sape
  • 14. Sabah shares a border with which Malaysian state?
A) Johor
B) Sarawak
C) Perlis
D) Kelantan
  • 15. What is the currency used in Sabah?
A) Indonesian Rupiah
B) Singapore Dollar
C) Malaysian Ringgit
D) Thai Baht
  • 16. Which ethnic group makes up the majority in Sabah?
A) Bajau
B) Kadazan-Dusun
C) Chinese
D) Malay
  • 17. Which of the following animals can be found in Sabah?
A) Kangaroo
B) Penguin
C) Orangutan
D) Polar Bear
  • 18. Sabah is located on the island of?
A) Sulawesi
B) Java
C) Sumatra
D) Borneo
  • 19. Which mountain range runs through Sabah?
A) Himalayas
B) Crocker Range
C) Andes
D) Rocky Mountains
  • 20. Which of the following is a tropical fruit commonly found in Sabah?
A) Durian
B) Grapes
C) Apple
D) Banana
  • 21. Which river in Sabah is known for its white water rafting activities?
A) Padas River
B) Mekong River
C) Amazon River
D) Nile River
  • 22. What is the name of the nickname often used to refer to Sabah?
A) Land Below the Wind
B) Garden of Eden
C) Venice of the East
D) Pearl of the Orient
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