  • 1. This communication process by developing idea?
A) Feedback
B) Receiver
C) Sender
D) Channel
  • 2. Refers to the expression or countenance this represented by the appearance of a person face resulting.
A) Facial expression
B) Gestures
C) Facial expression
D) Illustrator gestures
  • 3. A move of part of the body especially a hand or the head.
A) Manipulator gestures
B) Facial expression
C) Gestures
D) Illustrator gestures
  • 4. They are youse to provide emphasis to make an action the speech is describing to trace the flow
A) Gestures
B) Emblem gestures
C) Illustrator gestures
D) Manipulator
  • 5. It is the movement in which body part and another body
A) Illustrator gestures
B) Manipulator gestures
C) Emblem gestures
D) Manipulator gestures
  • 6. Who describe gestures that have very precise meaning known within an ethnic, cultural or sub-cultural group.
A) Jack lofpe
B) David parons
C) David epron
D) David Efron
  • 7. Is it a term first used by researcher and used as deliberately and consciously as spoken words.
A) Gestures
B) Emblem gestures
C) Manipulator gestures
D) Emblem gestures
  • 8. Refers to nonverbal element of speech , used to modify meaning and convey emotion.
A) Paralinguistic
B) Eye Gaze
C) Haptics
D) Proxemics
  • 9. Is a nonverbal form of communication which is executed by means of facial expression.
A) Eye gaze
B) Body language and posture
C) Proxemics
D) Haptics
  • 10. The study of effects of physical distance between people and different culture and societies .
A) Eye gaze
B) Haptics
C) Body language and posture
D) Proxemics
  • 11. Is a condition or action of looking another human in the eye.
A) Eye gaze
B) Paralinguistic
C) Gestures
D) Proxemics
  • 12. The study of the sense of touch.
A) Apperance
B) Paralinguistic
C) Body language and posture
D) Haptics
  • 13. The act of becoming visible to eye.
A) Apperance
B) Eye gaze
C) Proxemics
D) Haptics
  • 14. Objects or images that are used to communicate nonverbally
A) Illustrator gestures
B) Gestures
C) Apperance
D) Artifacts
  • 15. Created through communication that is communication it means of human interaction.
A) Culture
B) Values
C) Symbol
D) Heroes
  • 16. Compares the communication style and patterns of people from different cultural or social structures.
A) Cross- cultural communication
B) Intercultural communication
C) Association
D) Interaction
  • 17. Deals with how people from different speak to one another.
A) Cross- cultural communication
B) Interaction
C) Intercultural communication
D) Association
  • 18. Individual identify is rooted in groups.
A) Interaction
B) Learning
C) Territoriality
D) Association
  • 19. Nonverbal element are significant. Disagreement is personalized.
A) Interaction
B) Association
C) Temporality
D) Territoriality
  • 20. Stress group benefits and overriding value of working harmoniously rather than individual personal advancement.
A) Polychronic society
B) Individualism
C) Monochromatic society
D) Collectivism
  • 21. Place emphasis on speed and punctuality.
A) Monochromic society
B) Collectivism
C) Polychronic society
D) Individualism
  • 22. Independent and unconnected tasks can be done simultaneously.
A) Collectivism
B) Polychronic society
C) Monochromic society
D) Individualism
  • 23. Strive for maximal distinction between what women are expected to do.
A) Femenine cultures
B) Power distance
C) Uncertainty avoidance
D) Masculine cultures
  • 24. Permit more overlapping social roles for sexes.
A) Masculine cultures
B) Power distance
C) Uncertainty avoidance
D) Femenine cultures
  • 25. Members of institutions and organization within a country expect and accept that power distributed unequally
A) Uncertainty avoidance
B) Masculine cultures
C) Power distance
D) Femenine cultures
  • 26. This feeling is expressed through nervous stress and in need for predictability or need for written and unwritten rules.
A) Femenine cultures
B) Uncertainty avoidance
C) Power distance
D) Masculine cultures
  • 27. Focus more collective concern.
A) Member oriented societies
B) Task oriented societies
C) Social oriented
D) Sociality oriented societies
  • 28. Characterized by focus of making a team.
A) Socially oriented societies
B) Task oriented societies
C) All of above
D) Sexually oriented societies
  • 29. Failing to acknowledge conflict withdrawing from it.
A) Dominating style
B) Compromising style
C) Avoiding style
D) Obliging style
  • 30. This style is associated with attempting diminish differences and emphasize commonalities for the purpose of satisfying the needs of the other party.
A) Obliging style
B) Avoiding style
C) Dominating style
D) Compromising style
  • 31. Demands that everyone must giving something up to reach solution.
A) Itregrating style
B) Avoiding style
C) Dominating style
D) Compromising style
  • 32. Open discussion about the conflict to reach a solution that completely satisfies everyone.
A) Compromising style
B) Avoiding style
C) Dominating style
D) Integrating style
  • 33. Forcing one's will on another.
A) Compromising style
B) Integrating style
C) Dominating style
D) Avoiding style
  • 34. Concern with how ordinary people explain that causes of behavior and events.
A) External attribution
B) Attribution theory
C) All of above
D) Internal attribution
  • 35. Driven by motives and emotional attitudes of an individual.
A) All of above
B) External attribution
C) Internal attribution
D) Attribution theory
  • 36. A person wants to understand the world through events with happens around him and a person seeks reason.
A) Internal attribution
B) External attribution
C) Theory
D) Attribution theory
  • 37. An attempt at reducing a difference between speakers and their interlocutors.
A) All of above
B) Divergence
C) Convergence
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