• 1. Assessment procedures should be based on activities that have authentic communicative function rather than ones with little or no intrinsic communicative value. These activities are based on actual performance in authentic situations which the learner is likely to encounter in his or her daily life.
A) Developmental appropriateness
B) Proximity to actual language use and performance
C) An integrative view of learning
D) Multiple referencing
E) A holistic view of language
  • 2. Assessment procedures are based on the notion that the interrelationships among the various aspects of language, such as phonology, grammar, and vocabulary, among others cannot be ignored. Also the four skills of language- listening, speaking, reading, and writing-are seen to be parts of a structurally integrated whole.
A) Proximity to actual language use and performance
B) An integrative view of learning
C) Multiple referencing
D) Developmental appropriateness
  • 3. refers to the ongoing gathering of information on different facets of a child from various sources, with the aim of providing qualitative and quantitative feedback to support and guide the child's development.
A) assessment procedure
B) Holistic assessment
C) Holistic approach
  • 4. Assessment attempts to capture the learner’s total array of skills and abilities. It measures language proficiency in the context of specific subject matter. Assessment procedures are based on the idea that various aspects of a learner’s life, both academic and personal, are integral to the development of language proficiency and cannot be ignored.
A) An integrative view of learning
B) Proximity to actual language use and performance
C) Developmental appropriateness
D) A holistic view of language
E) Multiple referencing
  • 5. Assessment procedures set expectations that are appropriate within the cognitive, social, and academic development of the learner. This characteristic of assessment makes it particularly valuable for second language learners who come from culturally diverse backgrounds and who may have atypical educational experiences.
A) Multiple referencing
B) Developmental appropriateness
C) A holistic view of language
D) An integrative view of learning
E) Proximity to actual language use and performance
  • 6. Assessment entails obtaining information about the learner from numerous sources and through various means. For students, assessment should allow them to see their own accomplishments in terms that they understand and, consequently, allows them to assume responsibility for their learning. Assessment should allow parents to share in the educational process, and offers them a clear insight into what their children are doing in school.
A) A holistic view of language
B) Multiple referencing
C) Developmental appropriateness
D) Proximity to actual language use and performance
E) An integrative view of learning
  • 7. Children learn best through peer interactions in which they work together creatively to solve problems.
A) Second language active learning.
B) Peer interaction
C) Purposeful Talk.
  • 8. Young children gain confidence in learning a new language when they begin with “hear-see-do” (Total Physical Response ) activities.
A) Peer interaction
B) Purposeful Talk.
C) Second language active learning.
  • 9. Talking helps us make sense of new ideas and information.Ask a lot of “higher level” questions and give students time to think and then respond.
A) Purposeful Talk.
B) Second language active learning.
C) Peer interaction
  • 10. is the scientific study of human language systems.
A) Linguistics
B) Biolinguistics
C) Ethnolinguistics
  • 11. examines how biological variables shape the evolution of language
A) Biolinguistics
B) Ethnolinguistics
C) Neurolinguistics
  • 12. examines the relationship between culture and language
A) Ethnolinguistics
B) Psycholinguistics
C) Neurolinguistics
  • 13. examines the relationship between the functions of the human brain and language
A) Psycholinguistics
B) Sociolinguistics
C) Neurolinguistics
  • 14. examines the impact of psychological variables on language
A) Sociolinguistics
B) Neurolinguistics
C) Psycholinguistics
  • 15. examines the relationship between society and language
A) Sociolinguistics
B) Neurolinguistics
C) Psycholinguistics
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