History of philosophy
  • 1. Who is considered the father of Western philosophy?
A) Aristotle
B) Socrates
C) Plato
D) Descartes
  • 2. Which ancient Greek philosopher was known for his work in metaphysics and ethics?
A) Heraclitus
B) Aristotle
C) Epicurus
D) Zeno
  • 3. Which philosopher is known for his theory of forms?
A) Aristotle
B) Socrates
C) Empedocles
D) Plato
  • 4. Who famously declared 'I think, therefore I am'?
A) Hume
B) Kant
C) Descartes
D) Locke
  • 5. Which philosopher is known for his work on utilitarianism?
A) Rene Descartes
B) Immanuel Kant
C) John Stuart Mill
D) Plato
  • 6. Who is known for his concept of the 'categorical imperative'?
A) Nietzsche
B) Immanuel Kant
C) Sartre
D) Hegel
  • 7. Which philosopher is associated with existentialism and wrote 'Being and Nothingness'?
A) Kierkegaard
B) Camus
C) Nietzsche
D) Jean-Paul Sartre
  • 8. Who founded the philosophical movement of pragmatism?
A) Bertrand Russell
B) Charles Sanders Peirce
C) William James
D) John Dewey
  • 9. Which philosopher is known for his works 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' and 'Beyond Good and Evil'?
A) Hegel
B) Sartre
C) Kant
D) Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 10. Who is known for the theory of 'Tabula Rasa' or the blank slate?
A) John Locke
B) Leibniz
C) Hobbes
D) Descartes
  • 11. Who is known for the concept of 'epoche' in phenomenology?
A) Edmund Husserl
B) Martin Heidegger
C) Jean-Paul Sartre
D) Michel Foucault
  • 12. Which philosopher is known for his work on the 'veil of ignorance' in ethics?
A) Jeremy Bentham
B) Thomas Hobbes
C) John Locke
D) John Rawls
  • 13. Who is known for his work 'Summa Theologica' which combines Christian theology with Aristotelian philosophy?
A) Boethius
B) Thomas Aquinas
C) Augustine of Hippo
D) Anselm of Canterbury
  • 14. Which philosopher is known for his theory of the 'social contract'?
A) Locke
B) Bentham
C) Thomas Hobbes
D) Rousseau
  • 15. Who is known for his work 'Being and Time' which explores the concept of 'Dasein'?
A) Sartre
B) Merleau-Ponty
C) Husserl
D) Martin Heidegger
  • 16. Which philosopher is known for his work 'The Prince' on political leadership?
A) Niccolò Machiavelli
B) Plato
C) Hobbes
D) Aristotle
  • 17. Who is known for the concept of 'ontological argument' for the existence of God?
A) Augustine of Hippo
B) Anselm of Canterbury
C) Aquinas
D) Averroes
  • 18. Who is known for his work 'The Phenomenology of Spirit' and the concept of 'dialectics'?
A) Nietzsche
B) Sartre
C) Kant
D) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • 19. Who is known for his work 'Meditations on First Philosophy'?
A) René Descartes
B) Hume
C) Kant
D) Locke
  • 20. Which philosopher is known for his work 'An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding'?
A) David Hume
B) Kant
C) Locke
D) Descartes
  • 21. Who is known for his work 'Phenomenology of Perception'?
A) Heidegger
B) Maurice Merleau-Ponty
C) Sartre
D) Husserl
  • 22. Which philosopher is known for his works 'Ethics' and 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus'?
A) Heidegger
B) Ludwig Wittgenstein
C) Kant
D) Bertrand Russell
  • 23. Who is considered the founder of existentialism?
A) Sartre
B) Camus
C) Kierkegaard
D) Heidegger
  • 24. Who is known for his concept of 'Double Truth' in medieval philosophy?
A) Aquinas
B) Anselm
C) Averroes
D) Augustine
  • 25. Which Greek philosopher is known for his paradoxes?
A) Zeno
B) Epicurus
C) Democritus
D) Thales
  • 26. Who proposed the 'Hedonic Calculus' as a measure of pleasure and pain?
A) Hume
B) Bentham
C) Mill
D) Kant
  • 27. Which Enlightenment thinker wrote 'The Social Contract'?
A) Hobbes
B) Rousseau
C) Montesquieu
D) Locke
  • 28. Who wrote 'The Communist Manifesto' together with Friedrich Engels?
A) Karl Marx
B) Thomas Hobbes
C) Adam Smith
D) John Stuart Mill
  • 29. Which ancient Chinese philosopher is known for his teachings on ethics and morality?
A) Confucius
B) Laozi
C) Mencius
D) Sun Tzu
  • 30. Who is known for his concept of 'pleasure as the highest good' in ethics?
A) Aristotle
B) Stoicism
C) Seneca
D) Epicurus
  • 31. Which ancient Greek philosopher is known for his contributions to geometry and the Pythagorean theorem?
A) Pythagoras
B) Thales
C) Parmenides
D) Anaximander
  • 32. Jean-Paul Sartre is associated with which philosophical movement?
A) Empiricism
B) Existentialism
C) Phenomenology
D) Rationalism
  • 33. What philosophical movement emphasized the importance of individual experience over tradition and authority?
A) Skepticism
B) Empiricism
C) Idealism
D) Rationalism
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