C&S Practice Quiz
  • 1. Part out of a whole
A) Proportion
B) Ratio
C) Fraction
D) Percent
  • 2. Fraction out of one hundred
A) Fraction
B) Proportion
C) Ratio
D) Percent
  • 3. Convert the percent to a decimal: 175%
A) 0.175
B) 17.5
C) 175
D) 1.75
  • 4. Convert the percent to a reduced fraction: 60%
A) 6/10
B) 3/5
C) 12/20
D) 60/100
  • 5. Change the decimal into a percent: 0.4
A) 4%
B) 0.4%
C) 40%
D) 400%
  • 6. Change the fraction into a percent: 8/25
A) 24%
B) 16%
C) 80%
D) 32%
  • 7. A mix of apple juice contains 5 cups of concentrate and 15 cups of water. What is the percent of concentrate in the mix?
A) 50%
B) 5%
C) 33.3%
D) 25%
  • 8. A mix of grape juice contains 4 cups of concentrate and 6 cups of water. What is the ratio of concentrate to water?
A) 2:3
B) 3:2
C) 2:5
D) 4:10
  • 9. True or False: 11:2 and 2:11 are equivalent ratios
A) False
B) True
  • 10. Find the unit rate: You get paid $45.50 for 10 hours of work. What was your hourly wage?
A) $4.50
B) $5.00
C) $4.55
D) $4.75
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