• 1. Which one is spelled correctly?
A) eggasgeration
B) exagerashun
C) exaggeration
  • 2. Which one is spelled correctly?
A) banwagun
B) band-wagon
C) bandwagon
  • 3. Which one is spelled correctly?
A) testamonial
B) testimonial
C) testamoniul
  • 4. Which one is spelled correctly?
A) snobber apeel
B) snob a peel
C) snob appeal
  • 5. Which one is spelled correctly?
A) transfer
B) transfur
C) transsfer
  • 6. Which one is spelled correctly?
A) name calling
B) name-calling
C) names callings
  • 7. Which one is spelled correctly?
A) glittery generals
B) glittering generality
C) glitteraly generals
  • 8. Which one is spelled correctly?
A) card stacking
B) cards tacking
C) card smacking
  • 9. Which one is spelled correctly?
A) consoomer
B) cunsoomer
C) consumer
  • 10. Which one is spelled correctly?
A) bizness
B) business
C) busyness
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