  • 1. Christianity is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Son of God and the savior of humanity. Christians follow the teachings of the Bible, which they believe to be the inspired word of God. Central to Christian belief is the concept of redemption through Jesus' death and resurrection, offering salvation and eternal life to believers. Christianity has a diverse set of denominations and practices, but key elements include faith in Jesus, prayer, worship, sacraments, and living a life guided by love and compassion for others.

    Who is considered the central figure of Christianity?
A) Jesus Christ
B) Moses
C) Krishna
D) Buddha
  • 2. What is the holy book of Christianity?
A) The Vedas
B) The Torah
C) The Quran
D) The Bible
  • 3. Where was Jesus Christ born?
A) Nazareth
B) Bethlehem
C) Jerusalem
D) Rome
  • 4. Which apostle famously denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed?
A) Peter
B) Paul
C) Judas
D) James
  • 5. What is the first book of the New Testament?
A) Revelation
B) Acts
C) Matthew
D) Genesis
  • 6. What do Christians traditionally celebrate on Easter Sunday?
A) The Last Supper
B) The birth of Jesus Christ
C) The crucifixion of Jesus Christ
D) The resurrection of Jesus Christ
  • 7. What is the term for the Christian rite of initiation and cleansing by water?
A) Baptism
B) Communion
C) Confirmation
D) Confession
  • 8. Who was the first Christian martyr, stoned to death for his faith?
A) Stephen
B) John
C) Paul
D) Peter
  • 9. What is the term for the Christian belief in one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
A) Trinity
B) Atheism
C) Polytheism
D) Monotheism
  • 10. Which disciple of Jesus is known as the 'disciple whom Jesus loved'?
A) John
B) Peter
C) Thomas
D) Matthew
  • 11. Who is credited with writing most of the Epistles in the New Testament?
A) Peter
B) James
C) John
D) Paul
  • 12. What is the term for the Christian doctrine stating that Jesus Christ will return to Earth at the end of time to judge the living and the dead?
A) Ascension
B) Incarnation
C) Resurrection
D) Second Coming
  • 13. Which Old Testament figure is considered the father of the Israelite nation and made a covenant with God?
A) Moses
B) Abraham
C) David
D) Solomon
  • 14. What is the term for the Christian hymn of praise beginning 'Glory to God in the highest'?
A) Ave Maria
B) Gloria
C) Hallelujah
D) Kyrie Eleison
  • 15. Who was the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church?
A) Pope John Paul II
B) Saint Paul
C) Pope Francis
D) Saint Peter
  • 16. Which Christian holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ?
A) Christmas
B) Good Friday
C) Easter
D) Pentecost
  • 17. What is the term for the Christian belief that Jesus Christ died for the sins of humanity and was resurrected?
A) Redemption
B) Salvation
C) Justice
D) Atonement
  • 18. What is the term for the spiritual leader of a Christian congregation?
A) Priest
B) Pastor
C) Bishop
D) Deacon
  • 19. What is the term for the Christian belief in the bodily rising of Jesus Christ from the dead?
A) Resurrection
B) Atonement
C) Ascension
D) Incarnation
  • 20. Which Christian holiday commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles?
A) All Saints' Day
B) Good Friday
C) Pentecost
D) Ascension
  • 21. What sacrament is also known as the 'Lord's Supper' or 'Eucharist'?
A) Communion
B) Confession
C) Confirmation
D) Baptism
  • 22. Which city is considered the birthplace of Christianity?
A) Rome
B) Jerusalem
C) Varanasi
D) Mecca
  • 23. What is the last book of the New Testament?
A) Galatians
B) Ephesians
C) Corinthians
D) Revelation
  • 24. Who betrayed Jesus to the authorities for thirty pieces of silver?
A) Simon Peter
B) James the Lesser
C) Thomas
D) Judas Iscariot
  • 25. What was the profession of the apostle Matthew before he became a disciple of Jesus?
A) Fisherman
B) Carpenter
C) Tentmaker
D) Tax collector
  • 26. Which Jewish festival was Jesus celebrating at the Last Supper?
A) Yom Kippur
B) Passover
C) Purim
D) Hanukkah
  • 27. Which emperor famously persecuted Christians in ancient Rome?
A) Constantine
B) Augustus
C) Nero
D) Claudius
  • 28. Which Biblical figure is known for building an ark to survive a great flood?
A) Moses
B) Abraham
C) David
D) Noah
  • 29. What is the term for the belief in one God in Christianity?
A) Polytheism
B) Monotheism
C) Pantheism
D) Atheism
  • 30. Which disciple of Jesus is known for doubting the resurrection until he saw Jesus' wounds?
A) Philip
B) Peter
C) Thomas
D) Andrew
  • 31. What is the term for the Christian belief in the future resurrection of the dead and final judgment by God?
A) Pneumatology
B) Hermeneutics
C) Eschatology
D) Soteriology
  • 32. Which Christian denomination was founded by Martin Luther in the 16th century?
A) Anglicanism
B) Methodism
C) Lutheranism
D) Calvinism
  • 33. In which city did the Great Schism of 1054 officially divide the Christian Church into the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions?
A) Athens
B) Constantinople
C) Jerusalem
D) Rome
  • 34. Which Christian denomination is known for its emphasis on nonviolence and pacifism?
A) Baptists
B) Lutherans
C) Quakers
D) Anglicans
  • 35. What is the Christian term for the sudden and unexpected removal of believers from Earth to meet Jesus in the air?
A) Ascension
B) Second Coming
C) Rapture
D) Resurrection
  • 36. What is the Christian term for a religious community of men typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience?
A) Parish
B) Monastery
C) Priory
D) Diocese
  • 37. Which Christian holiday commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus?
A) Easter Monday
B) Good Friday
C) Holy Thursday
D) Palm Sunday
  • 38. What is the Christian term for the act of God becoming human in the form of Jesus?
A) Revelation
B) Resurrection
C) Divine Intervention
D) Incarnation
  • 39. What is the Christian term for formal forgiveness of sin by God through the church?
A) Atonement
B) Absolution
C) Redemption
D) Salvation
  • 40. In Christianity, what is the annual period of fasting and prayer leading up to Easter?
A) Lent
B) Epiphany
C) Advent
D) Pentecost
  • 41. What is the Christian term for the act of acknowledging and confessing one's sins?
A) Atonement
B) Grace
C) Repentance
D) Redemption
  • 42. Which Christian holiday celebrates the visit of the Magi to baby Jesus?
A) Maundy Thursday
B) Palm Sunday
C) Epiphany
D) Trinity Sunday
  • 43. What is the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus called?
A) Pentecost
B) Christmas
C) Good Friday
D) Easter
  • 44. Which church has the most followers worldwide?
A) Catholic Church
B) Eastern Orthodox Church
C) Protestantism
D) Anglican Church
  • 45. What is the Christian view on the afterlife?
A) Belief in heaven and hell
B) Nirvana
C) Annihilation
D) Reincarnation
  • 46. Which event marks the beginning of the Christian liturgical year?
A) Epiphany
B) Palm Sunday
C) Lent
D) Advent
  • 47. What is the term for the Christian religious office overseeing a specific geographic area?
A) Parish
B) Abbey
C) Monastery
D) Diocese
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