L1-43-John Ch.04-Pt2 (v13-26)
  • 1. Which water was Jesus Christ referring to when he told the woman of Samaria "Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again"? ____
A) the rain water
B) the water of life
C) the water in the well
D) the water in the city
  • 2. Jesus Christ said "whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall ____"
A) taste life
B) never thirst
C) be rich
D) never be in need
  • 3. The water that Jesus Christ gives man shall be in him a well of water ____
A) full of goodness
B) springing up
C) that overflows
D) sweeter than wine
  • 4. A man who drinks the water that Jesus Christ gives will receive ____
A) everlasting life
B) riches and honour
C) the righteousness of Abraham
D) faith
  • 5. The woman of Samaria expressed her desire for the water from Jesus Christ by saying ____
A) Sir, give me this water
B) Who is worthy of such water?
C) Can I also receive this water?
D) I thirst for this water
  • 6. The woman of Samaria wanted the water that Jesus Christ could give her so that she ____
A) would regain her youthful look
B) would no longer thirst
C) could sell it to others
D) could live for ever
  • 7. The woman of Samaria thought that if she had the water that Jesus Christ could give her, she would not need to ____
A) ever drink water again
B) worry about anything
C) work so hard
D) go to the well to draw water
  • 8. Jesus Christ told the woman of Samaria to the Go, call her husband, and ____
A) bring thy children also
B) come hither
C) do not come without him
D) hurry
  • 9. The woman of Samaria told Jesus Christ that ____
A) she had left her husband
B) she was a widow
C) she had no husband
D) her husband had left her
  • 10. Jesus Christ said to the woman of Samaria "Thou hast well said..." ____
A) Thy husband is no more
B) Thou art alone
C) I have no husband
D) Thou hast left thine husband
  • 11. Jesus Christ revealed to the woman of Samaria that she previously had ____ husbands
A) five
B) seven
C) six
D) four
  • 12. Jesus Christ revealed to the woman of Samaria that the man she now had was ____
A) her sixth husband
B) her fifth husband
C) not her husband
D) another woman's husband
  • 13. Jesus Christ told the woman of Samaria that she had spoken ____
A) lies
B) truly
C) decietfully
D) a lie
  • 14. Who did the woman of Samaria perceive Jesus Christ to be ____
A) Elijah
B) a teacher of the law
C) a prophet
D) a priest
  • 15. Who did the woman of Samaria say had worshiped in this mountain? ____
A) Abraham
B) our ancestors
C) Isaac
D) our fathers
  • 16. According to the woman of Samaria in which place did the Jews say men ought to worship? ____
A) Mount Carmen
B) Jerusalem
C) Judea
D) Mount Moriah
  • 17. Jesus Christ said that the hour cometh, when men shall not worship the Father in ____
A) Mount Moriah
B) Judea
C) Mount Carmen
D) this mountain
  • 18. Jesus Christ said that the hour cometh, when men shall not worship the Father at ____
A) Judea
B) Jerusalem
C) Mount Moriah
D) Mount Carmen
  • 19. Jesus Christ told the woman of Samaria that "Ye worship..." ____
A) in darkness
B) in the wrong way
C) ye know not what
D) not according to truth
  • 20. Jesus Christ told the woman of Samaria that "we know..." ___
A) when to worship
B) how to worship
C) where to worship
D) what we worship
  • 21. Salvation is of ____
A) Israel
B) Judea
C) the Law
D) the Jews
  • 22. Jesus Christ said "the hour cometh, and ____
A) is not far off
B) is at the door
C) shall not delay
D) now is
  • 23. The true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and ____
A) on the sabbath
B) in light
C) without a temple
D) in truth
  • 24. The Father ____ such to worship him
A) longs for
B) waits for
C) invites
D) seeketh
  • 25. The woman of Samaria said that, she knows that ____ cometh
A) the Father
B) Messias
C) the Holy Spirit
D) the time
  • 26. Messias is called ____
A) son of the morning
B) Christ
C) the begotten
D) the light bearer
  • 27. Who is it that will tell us all things whe he comes? ____
A) the prophet
B) Elijah
C) the Angel Gabriel
D) Christ
  • 28. 26 Jesus Christ told the woman of Samaria that he was ___
A) bread of life
B) the light of the world
C) Christ
D) good shepherd
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