Tech. I - Ch 13 & 14 - Vocab
  • 1. A people made device used to replace human body parts.
A) prosthesis
B) heredity
C) genetics
D) chromosome
  • 2. The process plants use to convert sunlight to energy.
A) controlled environmental agriculture
B) photosynthesis
C) bioprocessing
D) genetic engineering
  • 3. The use of engineering principles and design procedures to solve medical problems.
A) bioprocessing
B) diagnosis
C) bio-related technology
D) biomechanical enginering
  • 4. A process that uses living microorganisms or parts of organisms to change materials from one form to another.
A) biomechanical engineering
B) bioprocessing
C) hydroponics
D) bio-related technology
  • 5. The process of examining a patient and studying the symptoms to find out what illness the patient has.
A) heredity
B) hydroponics
C) diagnosis
D) genetics
  • 6. A technology that improves the techniques used to nurture life.
A) physical enhancements
B) human factors engineering
C) genetic engineering
D) bio-related technology
  • 7. The study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, its movements, and its thinking patterns.
A) genetics
B) ergonomics
C) hydroponics
D) heredity
  • 8. A tiny particle that carries the genes that pass on inherited characteristics. It is located in the nucleus of a cell.
A) genetics
B) prosthesis
C) chromosome
D) chromosome
  • 9. The proacess of changing the genetic materials that make up living organisms.
A) photosynthesis
B) prosthesis
C) genetic engineering
D) hydroponics
  • 10. System that recreates conditions a plant needs to grow. It allows plants to thrive by providing perfect growing environment, humidity, temperature, lighting, watering, and feeding are five conditions controlled by this.
A) michanical engineering
B) genetic engineering
C) controlled environment agriculture
D) bio related technology
  • 11. A design process that is used in product design. It gives special attention to the strengths and limitations of the human body.
A) bioprocessing
B) photosynthesis
C) mechanical engineering
D) human factors engineering
  • 12. The science that studies the laws of heredity.
A) immunization
B) chromosome
C) heredity
D) genetics
  • 13. An action that protects the body against a disease.
A) diagnosis
B) photosynthesis
C) bioprocessing
D) immunization
  • 14. The passing on of certain traits from arents to offspring.
A) heredity
B) genetic
C) chromosome
D) bioprocessing
  • 15. Replace body parts.
A) physical enhancements
B) genetic engineering
C) human factor engineering
D) photosynthesis
  • 16. The process of growing plants in a soilless environment.
A) ergonomics
B) prosthesis
C) photosynthesis
D) hydroponics
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