Polar Bears in Svalbard
  • 1. Polar bears primarily feed on what food source in Svalbard?
A) Fish
B) Berries
C) Grass
D) Seals
  • 2. How do polar bears manage to swim in freezing waters?
A) Hollow bones
B) Ice-resistant coating
C) Thick layer of blubber
D) Insulated fur
  • 3. What adaptation allows polar bears to camouflage in their surroundings?
A) Spotted fur
B) Brown fur
C) White fur
D) Striped fur
  • 4. How do polar bears navigate the vast Arctic region?
A) Excellent sense of smell
B) Echolocation
C) Keen hearing
D) Good eyesight
  • 5. What is the biggest threat to polar bears in Svalbard?
A) Climate change
B) Hunting
C) Disease
D) Predators
  • 6. Polar bears are technically classified as...
A) Reptiles
B) Land mammals
C) Marine mammals
D) Amphibians
  • 7. What is the main reason polar bears are considered vulnerable?
A) Adaptability
B) Lack of predators
C) Loss of habitat
D) Overpopulation
  • 8. What type of climate is found in Svalbard?
A) Temperate
B) Desert
C) Arctic
D) Tropical
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