Legends of King Arthur
  • 1. The Legends of King Arthur are a collection of medieval stories and folklore surrounding the legendary King Arthur, his knights of the Round Table, and the magical sword Excalibur. These tales often portray Arthur as a noble and just king who unites the realm of Camelot and embarks on quests to uphold chivalry, defend the kingdom from evil forces, and seek the Holy Grail. The stories also feature iconic characters such as Merlin the wizard, Queen Guinevere, Sir Lancelot, and Morgan le Fay. The legends have inspired countless adaptations in literature, art, and media, cementing King Arthur as one of the most enduring figures in Western mythology.

    Who was King Arthur's wife?
A) Isolde
B) Morgana
C) Guinevere
D) Elaine
  • 2. What is the name of King Arthur's sword?
A) Merlin
B) Avalon
C) Excalibur
D) Caliburn
  • 3. Who raised King Arthur when he was a child?
A) Sir Lancelot
B) Sir Ector
C) Mordred
D) Merlin
  • 4. What city did King Arthur establish as his capital?
A) Caerleon
B) Tintagel
C) Camelot
D) Avalon
  • 5. Who is King Arthur's famous magician advisor?
A) Gawain
B) Merlin
C) Bedivere
D) Morgana
  • 6. What is the name of King Arthur's father?
A) Uther Pendragon
B) Leodegrance
C) Gorlois
D) Sir Ector
  • 7. Who is King Arthur's trusted knight who found the Holy Grail?
A) Sir Galahad
B) Sir Bedivere
C) Sir Lancelot
D) Sir Gawain
  • 8. Who is King Arthur's illegitimate son who eventually causes his downfall?
A) Galahad
B) Gawain
C) Percival
D) Mordred
  • 9. Who is the Lady of the Lake who gives King Arthur his sword Excalibur?
A) Elaine
B) Viviane
C) Nimue
D) Morgan le Fay
  • 10. What is the name of King Arthur's nephew and a key knight of the Round Table?
A) Sir Bors
B) Sir Gawain
C) Sir Kay
D) Sir Percival
  • 11. Who was the traitor knight who had an affair with Queen Guinevere?
A) Sir Gawain
B) Sir Tristram
C) Sir Gareth
D) Sir Lancelot
  • 12. What is the name of the Green Knight in the Arthurian legends?
A) Balyn le Sauvage
B) Sir Breunor
C) Bertilak de Hautdesert
D) Dolorous Guard
  • 13. Who is the mysterious figure who leads Arthur away to Avalon after his final battle?
A) Viviane
B) Nimue
C) Elaine
D) Morgan le Fay
  • 14. What is the name of King Arthur's foster brother and loyal companion?
A) Sir Palamedes
B) Sir Elyan
C) Sir Pellinore
D) Sir Kay
  • 15. What is the name of the knight who carries the severed head of a lady on a platter?
A) Sir Balin
B) Sir Balan
C) Sir Tor
D) Sir Kay
  • 16. King Arthur is often depicted as pulling a sword from what?
A) Stone
B) Sea
C) Dragon
D) Tree
  • 17. What round table of knights did King Arthur build?
A) Knights of the Oval Table
B) Knights of the Round Table
C) Knights of the Square Table
D) Knights of the Hexagonal Table
  • 18. What is the knightly code of conduct that King Arthur's knights follow?
A) Nobility
B) Valor
C) Bravery
D) Chivalry
  • 19. What is the name of the cup or chalice sought by King Arthur's knights?
A) Holy Grail
B) Round Table
C) Excalibur
D) Sword in the Stone
  • 20. Who is the knight who is known for his tragic love affair with Isolde?
A) Tristan
B) Lancelot
C) Percival
D) Gawain
  • 21. Where is King Arthur said to be taken after his final battle?
A) Camelot
B) Avalon
C) Albion
D) Tintagel
  • 22. Where is Excalibur thrown after Arthur's final battle?
A) Mountain
B) Lake
C) Forest
D) Cave
  • 23. Who is credited with pulling the sword from the stone, proving himself as the rightful king?
A) Mordred
B) Galahad
C) Merlin
D) Arthur
  • 24. What does Excalibur's scabbard represent?
A) Power
B) Wisdom
C) Protection
D) Immortality
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