Test about light and health
  • 1. How many different types of cancer are there?
A) 300
B) 400
C) 100
D) 200
  • 2. Which from the following is caused by smoking?
A) Breast cancer
B) Melanoma cancer
C) Skin cancer
D) Lung cancer
  • 3. Which cells go out of control after Cancer starts?
A) Fungi
B) Animalia
C) Monera
D) Abnormal
  • 4. How long should you stay in the sun to get 15,000-20,000 of Vitamin D?
A) 2 h
B) 1h
C) 30 min
D) 1h 30 min
  • 5. What is the process of cancer spread called?
A) Can be called either of them
B) Metastasis
C) Sarcoma
D) Epidermis
  • 6. What happens when we stay in the sun too long?
A) Freckles
B) All of them
C) Skin cancer
D) Sunburn
  • 7. After how long do we need to take a break and give our eyes a rest from the computer?
A) 15-20 min
B) 30 min
C) 10 min
D) 1 h
  • 8. What kind rays does the sun give us?
A) Sustering
B) Melanin
C) Ultra violet
D) Ultra red
  • 9. How does lack of sunlight affect us? It makes us...
A) Hungry
B) Dizzy
C) Tired
D) All of them
  • 10. If people are allergic to the sun, are there any ways to give their body UV rays?
A) There is no way of getting UV rays instead of the sun
B) Buy a lamp which spreads UV rays
C) Drink a lot of milk
D) Eat lots of carrots
  • 11. What makes things visible?
  • 12. When are you healthy?
A) When you are cold
B) When you feel full
C) When you are free of injury and illness
D) When you feel funny
  • 13. What is the power of seeing?
A) Touch
B) Hearing
C) Sight
D) Light
  • 14. What is the star that earth orbits around?
A) Sun
B) Earth
C) Jupiter
D) Moon
  • 15. What is the thin layer of tissue around our bodies?
A) Eye
B) Face
C) Skin
D) Blood
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