Boers surrender to British forces in South Africa
  • 1. When did the Boers surrender to British forces in South Africa?
A) 1902
B) 1910
C) 1899
D) 1877
  • 2. Which treaty officially ended the conflict between the Boers and the British?
A) Treaty of Bloemfontein
B) Treaty of Pretoria
C) Treaty of Vereeniging
D) Treaty of Kimberley
  • 3. What type of warfare did the Boers primarily engage in during the conflict?
A) Guerrilla warfare
B) Air warfare
C) Trench warfare
D) Naval warfare
  • 4. Who was the President of the South African Republic during the war?
A) Jan Smuts
B) Paul Kruger
C) J.B.M. Hertzog
D) Louis Botha
  • 5. Which of the following was a significant battle during the Boer War?
A) Battle of Gettysburg
B) Battle of Trafalgar
C) Battle of Spion Kop
D) Battle of Thermopylae
  • 6. Which British colony was directly involved in the conflict with the Boers?
A) Newfoundland
B) British Guiana
C) Cape Colony
D) New South Wales
  • 7. Which British general famously implemented a scorched earth policy during the Boer War?
A) Lord Kitchener
B) Field Marshal Roberts
C) Winston Churchill
D) General Buller
  • 8. Which country provided support to the Boers during the conflict with the British?
A) France
B) Russia
C) Germany
D) Italy
  • 9. Which Boer leader famously evaded capture during the conflict?
A) J.B.M. Hertzog
B) Christiaan de Wet
C) Louis Botha
D) Paul Kruger
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